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Posts posted by JamesF

  1. SpaceX are now saying:

    "SpaceX is standing down from Friday’s launch attempt of the SXM-7 mission to perform additional ground system checkouts; teams are working toward no earlier than Sunday, December 13 for the next launch attempt of SXM-7."


    • Like 1
  2. It's not the easiest interface to a camera to use, is it? :)

    I've just attempted to add support for Basler cameras using Pylon into oacapture and it's been a bit fraught as I worked through issues like being told the gain control wasn't available only to find out later that it was (because by that time I'd turned off auto gain).  I possibly also made things worse by switching between the Pylon interface and the Genicam one where it was easier to use one than the other.  Still, done now...


  3. Prerequisites

    Physics and Maths (1st year of bachelor):

    • Trigonometry
    • Derivatives and Taylor expansions
    • Integral calculus
    • 1st order differential equations

    Trig I can handle, probably derivatives, calculus and differential equations too.  I'll have to look up Taylor series stuff though.  I know I did that at school more than thirty-five years ago, but I can recall nothing about it now.  I have a vague idea that it's about approximation using infinite sums of values in a geometric progression, but I could be completely wrong there.

    Looks like an interesting course though.  Do you know if the course runs in rotation if I don't have time to start it right now, or is it a one-off?


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  4. 2 hours ago, Davey-T said:

    Scheduled to launch at16.21 GMT, unfortunately I shall be out then and miss it.


    That's what I thought, but SpaceX don't have their coverage starting until 17:20 GMT now.  It looks like there has been an hour's delay.


  5. 1 minute ago, John said:

    I still find it incredible that you can watch this stuff happening live from the other side of the Atlantic.

    Absolutely.  Also amazing about the NSF streams over the last couple of days was that they have remote controlled cameras filming the launch that are basically consumer camera bodies with some modifications, run by people thousands of miles away, and the whole stream is put together by someone else thousands of miles away.  And it all works :)


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  6. Some interesting discussion at the moment on the NSF channel about the fact that SpaceX want to launch from the same site tomorrow, but if NROL-44 doesn't fly tonight they may try to bump SpaceX.  Not everyone is apparently happy about this situation :)


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