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Posts posted by JamesF

  1. If it's for imaging, do you actually need the pier to be any higher at all?  When I built my observatory I set a mount up on a tripod and looked at wall heights etc. given that I'd probably not want to image anything lower than about 20 degrees and worked from there.  Having a low pier may help with clearance for a roll-off roof.


  2. Well caught.

    It got me thinking about how they actually recover the fairings.  I'd not considered it before.  Apparently they have some attitude jets help guide them, and then a parachute.  As the fairing gets close to the surface of the sea, a boat with a huge net on top tries to get underneath to catch it.  There's a brief video here:

    Apparently Elon Musk claims it saves them $6m per launch if they use recovered fairings.


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  3. If anyone else does watch, at 20:38 have a look for a white crescent-shape thing that appears on the left hand side of the frame and disappears off the edge of the shot of the first stage.  Blink and you'll miss it.  Is that part of the fairing falling back to Earth do we think?


  4. 7 minutes ago, JamesF said:

    Realised this evening that I missed the Space-X Transporter 1 launch yesterday.  Fortunately it's still on the Space-X website.

    There's a lot of waffle at the start.  If you just want to join for the ride, fifteen minutes in is a good place to start.


  5. The resistance calculation looks ok to me.  You can buy nichrome wire in different resistances, so I found it easiest to work out what length I'd want and then find which resistance made the calculation come out with a suitably close length.  For example, an 8" OTA has a circumference of about 60cm.  To have both connections at the same end you'd want about 120cm of nichrome, to make a loop in the heater.  So for 48 ohms total you'd want wire with a resistance somewhere in the region of 40 ohms per metre.  Is 3W enough power though?  For some reason the figure I had in my head was much more than that.

    I am reminded of this, which may help out:  https://www.blackwaterskies.co.uk/2013/05/making-your-own-nichrome-dew-heater-bands/

    Particularly the spreadsheet linked at the end that does lots of the calculation for you.

    I stopped making my own when I found W&W Astro though because they were sufficiently cheap that the faff of buying the parts and making them didn't seem worthwhile.  Unfortunately they appear to be out of stock of heaters for 8" OTAs at the moment.


  6. I think they must get in around the edges of the rolling roof.  Everything else is pretty well sealed up.  I even have an EPDM "gasket" around the piers where they come through the floor.  I might look at getting some of those draught-excluder "brushes" for garage doors and the like and fitting those around the edges of the roof to seal it more effectively.  I have vents in the walls anyhow, so there should still be sufficient airflow to keep the damp out.

    And it would also keep out the wasps and hornets that think it might make a nice home for the summer.


  7. 12 minutes ago, Yawning Angel said:

    if you can get the exposure short enough to keep it stable

    Yes, that has always been a bit of a delicate balance when trying to image something as bright as the Moon with a dedicated mono camera.  I might perhaps have a play with different apertures to see what works well.  Obviously the 80ED performs very nicely, but with a narrowband filter I might be able to give my ST120 a go and squeeze out a bit more resolution.  Especially if I try something like the 3.5nm Ha filter I bought recently.

    Such a shame there are so few opportunities to experiment at the moment :(


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