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Everything posted by mxgallagher

  1. Got back out last night and despite the he full moon managed to get some OK(ish) images of M31 Top is 26mins worth of mixed 8s 10s and 30s subs Bottom is 72x10s subs with 10 darks and 10 bias. All images taken with my 70d on my 250mm go-to dob, then stacked and stretched in SIRIL Looks like I need to take some flats though - might try to take some today
  2. Managed to get this the other night with my new gosky adapter on a 25mm plossl and my 250mm go-to dob. 4mins of data using the astrophotography mode in the camera app. Processed in snapseed
  3. Not been out with the camera/scope for a while, but managed this the other night with my go-to dob and my phone. (2 different edits of the same 4min single sub)
  4. Thanks for the tips Bolstered by Fabiens further stretching I had another go myself, but I think I may have reached the limit with regards to noise. I'm pretty proud of what I got and hopefully I can get more data next clear night
  5. Ok so I had another go at my M31 image This time I re-stacked adding in some of the 15s subs to give a total of 8m20s!! I have played around with curves and levels using gimp 2.9.5 and also tried adjusting the colour slightly - less red, more blue I think it looks better, but the core is still blown out and the edges are now getting a lot of noise coming in - looks like I need more data (if only it would stop raining)
  6. Thanks for all the tips and support. I'll have a go at processing again in GIMP 2.9 using curves rather than levels and see what I can get. Hopefully I'll get another clear night soon - I think I can probably push the mount to 15s subs if I get the tracking spot on, that plus more data should help. Might also try some other targets - only really went for m31 as it was easy to get in frame using my finder Thanks again
  7. Having been inspired by what I've seen here, and eventually getting a clear night. I dusted off the t-ring adapter for the 250 goto dob and had a stab at m31 Just over 7mins worth of 10s subs at 3200iso on an eos 70d Not edited much, just had a quick play with the levels in gimp
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