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  1. Abingdon Astronomical Society's speaker for our September 2022 Main meeting is Dr. Phil Wiseman (from the University of Southampton) who is presenting a talk entitled 'Supernova'. The talk on the 12th of September will be from 20:00-22-00 at the Methodist Church Hall, Dorchester Crescent, Abingdon, Oxfordshire. OX14 2AQ. For full details see our website: http://www.abingdonastro.org.uk John Reader, View the calendar event
  2. There will be no formal speaker at our July meeting. instead we are holding an informal 'equipment clinic' meeting where we can discuss any technical kit issues, or just show off your new toys! Maybe you're thinking of buying a telescope. Maybe you're wondering how to take pictures of the night sky. Maybe you're looking for an upgrade - or even to sell. Why not come along and discuss it - or just come along for a chat. We're a friendly club situated on the edge of the New Forest and welcome everyone, from the novice to the expert. If you are interested in coming along, please drop me a PM or email membership@fordingbridgeastro.org.uk and I'll pass on the location and more details. Martin Davies View the calendar event
  3. This discussion is closed 👮‍♂️ Please see here for reasons why.
  4. This discussion is closed 👮‍♂️ Please see here for reasons why.
  5. For easy navigation we resist adding new discussion boards unless demand is significant. Until today nobody has requested one but we will happily consider it if later we find there is enough demand. HTH
  6. We agree. Anyone who has spent any time at SGL will know vlaiv is an experienced astronomer respected for his knowledge and contribution to the community. @rorymultistorey You are welcome to use SGL to publicise your project and raise support but we will not allow personal attacks.
  7. We are receiving threats of legal action from the owner of Dark Frame Optics. Some DFO customers have shared their experiences, positive and negative, here at SGL. DFOs owner says some are personal attacks and has demanded they be removed. SGL is not responsible for posts made by DFO customers so threats of legal action are inappropriate. We have however noticed this situation has been ongoing for some time! The SGL mod team are all volunteers. They generously give their time believing SGL is a force for good. We don't have time to debate or argue with suppliers or manage their reputations online so have simply removed 'all' mention of DFO from SGL. We believe everyone should be able to share their experiences so we sincerely apologise to those members affected by our decision and remind them everyone at SGL is welcome to submit supplier reviews via our Supplier Reviews board. (Reviews posted outside the Supplier Reviews board will be moved to the correct board if appropriate). Thank-you for your understanding. SGL ADMIN
  8. Probably best observed around sunset, 4pm ish, Jupiter and Saturn will be just over 6 arc minutes apart, close enough to fit into the field of view at high power. Altitude will be 14 degrees, higher if you can pick them up earlier. View the calendar event
  9. We will soon apply a significant update to the SGL platform, but before we do, we want to remind everyone what SGL is, and is not. This is important because it underpins the way SGL is constructed and moderated. What is SGL? SGL is a positive, safe, friendly online community where you can discuss astronomy with like-minded people. Whether you are a beginner or professional, visual astronomer or astrophotographer, armchair astronomer or cosmologist. SGL is for you. SGL is not Facebook. SGL does not amplify negative emotion, does not insert dodgy videos into your timeline and does not lock you in. There are no fake members or bots. No fake news, conspiracy theories or click-bait. You are not wrapped in a filter bubble and then sold to advertisers (our sponsor pays the bills). At SGL, your worth is not determined by how many followers or 'likes' you have. So if you enjoy drama, dissent and controversy. If you enjoy discussing politics, religion, conspiracy theories or social injustice. If you enjoy constructing carefully worded insults. If you like sharing photos of your cat, or breakfast. SGL will not suit you. SGL does, however, have a Lounge area for non-astro discussion. This is separate and distinct from the astronomy boards. Please help us keep it this way. Best wishes, SGL ADMIN & Moderators
  10. Mars less than a degree from the Moon View the calendar event
  11. Saturday 18th July 2020 The Norman Lockyer Observatory, Sidmouth. EX10 0NY Planetarium Shows Space Detectives Guest Speakers Sir Norman Lockyers Historic telescope tours Solar Observing Trade Stands and Exhibitions Group Talks and Displays Food Available www.southwestastrofair.com Trade & Exhibition Stand Welcome Mailto:astrofair@normanlockyer.com View the calendar event
  12. Venus and Mercury will be in close conjunction this evening, approx 1.25 degrees apart and 15 degrees altitude (for Venus) as the Sun sets at 8.57 in London View the calendar event
  13. Venus and Mercury will be in close conjunction this evening, approx 1.5 degrees apart and 15 degrees altitude (for Venus) as the Sun sets at 8.55 in London View the calendar event
  14. Another widefield view, this time with Mars View the calendar event
  15. On April 3rd 2020 Venus sits within the M45 star group View the calendar event
  16. Widefield opportunity to see these three together in the morning sky. View the calendar event
  17. For North American observers only, the Moon will occult Mars just before sunrise. https://www.skyandtelescope.com/astronomy-blogs/watch-the-moon-occult-mars-before-sunrise-on-february-18th/ View the calendar event
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