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COLD, Sweat and FIRE!



June 18, 2011

Since nights are incredibly short, this stargazing evening went far into the early morning of the 19th. I am more of an early riser than a night owl which makes viewing the night sky quite difficult at this time of year. Stargaze in the morning? This would mean setting my telescope up at 3:00 am. I do love astronomy but I've been told that sleeping was a good thing,...

I set up my telescope around 11:30. It was at this time that the ISS was streaking across the sky. I followed with my binoculars and gave it a salute when it dipped below the horizon approximately where the moon would be rising (maybe it was already there but stood behind my neighbours house where I couldn't see it).

I stopped by a fuzzy Saturn which seemed nestled next to Porrima in the constellation Virgo. I immediately thought that it's lack of detail was caused by it being so close to the horizon but it wasn't. I felt like I was watching the sky through water! The waning gibbous moon, when it finally made it's appearance, seemed to be dripping with sweat! I should have packed up my telescope right away but something told me to stay put. I decided to do something that could only end up in frustration and set out to look for M51 (a whirlpool galaxy). To tell you the truth I had never been able to see it and have given up many times. Why I would choose this night to look for it,.. I don't know. All I can say in my defense is that there are many things about me that simply can't be explained.

When I noticed a smudge, I told myself that I had finally found it. However, no details could be seen. I patted myself on the book for finally spotting it but,.. now what? I had found it on a night where little could be appreciated! That's okay. If I found it once, I'll find it again!

As I turned to pack my equipment away a light caught my eye. It looked like a lone firework which sputtered flames behind it for a couple of seconds (maybe even three) and then was gone. I stared at the darkness, holding my breath, half expecting it to come back to life but no,... I had seen a HUGE FIREBALL! Maybe it was a remnant of the Lyrid meteor shower since it's peak ended days ago.

Tonight, in a small northern community in James Bay the atmosphere had shown it's power. It had orchestrated a weather pattern that had me reach for a hat and gloves in the middle of June, turned the moon a very distinct orange colour (this is created by atmospheric disturbances), had rendered every celestial object in sight into a perspiring mess, and had shown its protective characteristics by turning a rock fragment into fire.

Burn Baby Burn!



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I don't know if I really did see it or it was just my eyes playing tricks on me. Like I said above, it was just a smudge. I will definitely have to look again but man,.. It's hard!!!!!


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I learnt many years ago to never look directly at anything at nighttime, I have always kept the target to the side of my vision and this made it more distinct. Another thing I do is if I do have that problem of having a fuzzy target is look through the eyepiece as above but also keep the other eye open looking at nothing in particular, for some reason it has been a help.

Oh, seen the ISS going over last night, took me by suprise as that was the first time I seen it go over NW to SE, as I was setting up I had to grab a pair of binos and it was magic to see. Rather than a blob of light the main body and the panels were distinct :).


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HI Isabelle it may have been the bootids showers? there on going at the moment todd has sighted them. M51 thats at and of the plough (ursa major), not seen that yet. nights are still too light here in uk, clocked ISS again last night at 10.47 between the clouds. yours paul.

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All I know Paul is that the fireball was truly something amazing! It's beauty in its rawest and one experiences it only in glimpses!

As for M51,.. I barely saw it (if indeed that what it was)

I have tried what you have described Jim and believe that this is called averted vision. I did try this,.. yet,.. it still came out only as a blur. I blame the presence of too much light!


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