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Been out this 6 am with heritage 130p

mr saddo


Well, i bought the heritage 130p flexi tube, and been out this morning, i had set my sights on venus and saturn, venus was easy, it was blinding, could not focus in on it properly, it was flaring really bad! i was thinking the scope was out of collimate? tried my 17x70 bins there were the same, any way took me a while to find saturn in the south west in virgo, i had the 20mm lens in just a orange blob! so i put the 10mm in and a little focus and....saturn i was well pleased!! quite bright and could see rings, and its moons, had to really concentrate my eye and keep still , i must have stood there for half hour or more looking at it, i did not want to move scope to some think else! By now the moon was just coming up above the houses i had a look at that, really impressed with the detail on the 10mm eyepiece, then back to saturn!! again, back to the moon then saturn, but the sun was coming up and the sky brightened washed saturn out. On the whole i was pleased with my first early morning outing in the cold, bit dubious about the scope, but its came up trumps, i had a sky watcher syn scan 130p auto but could not find anything with handset, slow to move round. i sent it back to shop. also had a celestron 60 retractor but that want up to much, jupiter quite good, moon good thats about it. Also i have a pair of sky master 17x70 binoes these are brill really sharp, but a little heavy to hold still.


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I wanted to go out as well this morning but it was -36 Celsius. I decided to wait since I don't appreciate frostbite. It seems that your equipment is fine but encountered "bad seeing". Stargazers are often the victim of the forces of nature blurring our view.

Congratulations on a wonderful morning!

Isabelle ;)

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-36 is not that cold considering that it will be -46 tomorrow night. I am located in the James Bay area of northern Quebec Canada. Yes, they say that there are polar bears on the bay but I have never seen one myself.

It's cold but the auroras make it all worth while. Now if only I knew how to capture their beauty on camera!

Isabelle :)

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Hi Isabelle.i read your post about hands freezing to scope and you nearly had frosbite!!you must be well keen, how do you cope with them temps!!, we have had -6 here in York UK in December and the country almost came to a stand still! been out this morning 6am -2 again Saturn was not has good a lot of thin white cloud not quite fog? still ok though, ISS flew over at 6.38 managed to get scope on it, bit of a bonus that was. yours Paul.

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I've never "caught" the ISS but I have to be honest that I never really tried. ow are Saturn's rings right now? I hear that they are very nicely displayed. The last time I saw them they were practically edge on.

As for the cold,... I guess it's one of those things that you just get used to.


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Hi again, Saturn the planet is tilted towards me, rings are solid grey, you can make out the blackness at the ends of the oval, no cassini divisions. tried a phone camera to get a picture but to fiddly to hold small lens on middle of 10mm ep. yours paul.

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Saturn is definitely giving you quite the show there. I will have to make my way out one morning very soon. Unfortunately, I teach for the rest of the week so getting up early can be tricky and the weather is still a little cold. I will be patient.


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I tried to catch the ISS last friday morning but too cloudy. Have never seen it and am intrigued to know how much I can see. Did you have trouble tracking it? I haven't seen Saturn yet either - I'm not an early riser - and so I'm hoping for good things.

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Saturn will be seen in the evening in the spring but like many here,.. really want to see it now. I have ever tried to see the ISS. I guess that will soon be a personal project. I always thought it would be hard to see since the window to see it isn't very long.

Isabelle :)

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I tried to catch the ISS last friday morning but too cloudy. Have never seen it and am intrigued to know how much I can see. Did you have trouble tracking it? I haven't seen Saturn yet either - I'm not an early riser - and so I'm hoping for good things.

HI, ISS you can find on NASA web site, give times when coming over there smack on. or you can use stellarium and it shows all the satalites flying around i clock at least 3 a night when out with scope.

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HI, ISS you can find on NASA web site, give times when coming over there smack on. or you can use stellarium and it shows all the satalites flying around i clock at least 3 a night when out with scope.

We can use Stellarium to show the ISS? I've never even looked for that option. Thanks!


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