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First Attempt at AP!!



Hi all

Been a while since my last entry, so thought it about time to log another!

Things are getting a lot busier at work. My area has changed, and I have now taken on Norfolk, along with Bristol and South Wales. I am a Regional Systems Manager for Greene King Pub Co. and look after all the sites IT and till equipment. So, more sites means more meetings and more miles, but I love it - getting out and about, and seeing areas of the country I haven't been too before. The other day I had to drive from Shrewsbury to Sheffield, and the SatNav took me over the Moors near Manchester, and the High Peaks near Buxton. It was a lovely drive!!

As a result of the above, my leisure time has taken a bit of a hit, but I have still managed to get out with my Telescope on quite a few occasions, albeit from the back garden. When the weather has cooperated anyway! I will do a more detailed write up later, but I have made good in roads on my Lunar 100 challenge, and also made good progress in re-learning the sky. All being well, I will be heading up to the area around Ashbourne / Ilam in a few weeks. I have a friend living out in the sticks, and he has graciously let me use his back garden. Its proper dark there - compare to my garden anyway, so that’s something to look forward too.

I have also taken my first, probably ill-advised step, into AP!!!!! I went out last night and took some pics of the full moon. I used my 25mm eyepiece, and hand held my iPhone up to it. I wasn't expecting anything amazing, but was fairly pleased with the results:


Not completely in focus, but as I said, it was all hand held! Makes me think if I can mount the phone in some way, I could get some sharper shots. I have also found an old webcam - I have butchered it, and made some adaptions to allow it to attach to the focuser. I gave downloaded various software to hopefully allow me to get some video of the moon for stacking purposes. Not tried it yet, as I need to get a longer extension lead for the laptop. But I think it should work ok. I will do a full post on it once it has been for its first test drive!!

Clear Skies!!


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Looks good! You might find a partial moon to be more interesting, with the increased contrast between craters and mountains.


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Could you even imagine doing something like that 15-20 years ago? Now imagine what you can achieve with 'proper' equipment that is readily available to be purchased over the internet.

Btw, agree with Graeme that the moon is so much more interesting to watch in the shadows. You really get a 3D sense of the sphere. Although still beautiful to behold, the full moon is more a 2D disc and becomes more featureless because of the evenly distributed light.

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Thanks for the comments - understand about the full moon! I knew it wouldn't be the best image, but thought I would give it a go. Weather looks of later, so may try again. Moon is at 79% so will at least get a bit of terminator! I may also try and hook up my 'webcam' that i have built! Will see what happens!!

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Butchering an old web cam? Thats the spirit! Looking forward to seeing the results. 

Yes. Something to hold the phone in place helps. There have been loads of threads on this over the last few days.   I think that one cropped up for sale the other day in the classified section. I’m attempting a home made solution....


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