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Starting out.

Andrew W


Where to start?

I went into my local library and a chap was there doing a display for the local astronomy club.

He had a massive scope and fantastic photographs taken with said equipment.

I had a quick chat having not realised we even had a local astronomy club and a quick peruse of the photo's.

If I'm honest there may possibly have been a touch of 'geek' about said chap but I've come to realise over the years that there's a touch of 'geek' in me aswell. :grin: (If said chap ever gets to see this SORRY!)

I nearly had a heart attack when he told me how much the kit had cost but a little switch must have clicked at the back of my head without me realising it.

I was with the wife and wasn't able to spend too long chatting with the chap so we got on our way.

Over the next couple of weeks I kept thinking about the photo's and thinking I'd like to know a bit more and have a bit of a look up there myself.

I was also aware that having a mortgage, several other hobbies and the usual day to day expenses that we all have I certainly couldn't justify thousands of pounds of equipment on a hobby I haven't even tried yet!

That brings me to here. Whilst trawling the internet and you tube getting some 'expectation re-alignment' I stumbled across SGL.

I figured I'd start the blog as my own record of what's happening and where I'm at.

If anybody else is interested all the better but this is my record of my journey.

Let the heavens open and the wallet start to empty :rolleyes:

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Recommended Comments

Don't rush into a scope straight away, some binoculars and learning the sky for a year can be very rewarding.  Pointing a scope in the right place is much better once you have learned to star hop with the binos massive field of view !

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