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Finally got my first proper telescope

Steve H


Having been entirely fascinated by the night sky by what at 57 now really seems like a lifetime, I have finally got a 'proper telescope' (Skywatcher 200p).

Before making my purchase, night after night I was on the internet typing things like 'skywatcher 200 v 150, goto v dobsonian etc...' Time and time again my searches led to this site. The comments, discussions and information I read was an absolute goldmine of valuable information.

So to all loungers I just want to say thank you for your help in getting me connected to the night sky at long last.

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What I really like about it is you simply carry it out into the garden (which is no effort at all), place it down look at a clear bit of sky then go wow!

To me dobsonian or goto is like a Sat Nav in your car. If you really need to be somewhere in a hurry great. But the real fun is taking a ride and enjoying the view

Hope you all have pleasant journeys!

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Congrats on your first scope, Steve.

And cheers to the beginning of your journey through the night skies!

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Out tonight and just toured the night sky. Absolutely brilliant. Sure you are all doing the same. Is this not the best way to spend a Saturday night ever!

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The 200p is is a great scope and sgl is fantastic for debating the pros and cons before buying....... but groucho wouldnt be happy.....didnt he say "PLEASE ACCEPT MY RESIGNATION, I dont want to belong to any club that will accept people like me as a member" : )


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Good call with the scope. I got mine about 6 months ago and it's great. In a few weeks you'll be needing a quikfinder and 32mm wide angle and 6mm x200 lenses.

But the best thing to do is commandeer the summer house as an observatory with a comfy chair allowing you to take every advantage of breaks in the weather.

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I believe Groucho did say that about a few clubs but definitely not this one!


I am really enjoying the 200p and glad I made the choice. Thanks for all your comments and the tip on what to get in the next few weeks, they will certainly will go on my wish list.

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I use the 200P eq and love it, certainly had not a single problem with the scope itself so far. Had some real nice views of Jupiter also through it, just getting around to trying out long exposures with it now :)

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