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It's nights like this.............

The dreaded thick stuff was slow to clear last night, forecasts suggested 2:00 hrs- turned out to be closer to 22:30hrs !! BUT when it did start to clear it became quickly apparent that it was going to be something very special indeed :) First order of the evening was to check the collimation of the scope-again using Capella, the image under high power was very promising, under very high power (600x) I was happy !! I still happened to be plagued by little niggles though, like the newly recognise




Unfortunately I cannot follow the fantastic night of yesterday as it's cloudy and raining. Watched England beat Slovakia 4-0. And watched the shuttle land at Kennedy Space Centre. After 5 million miles and 202 orbits it arrived back safe. Really enjoyed watching this mission.




Best night for ages... Bagged another 7 Messier objects. Read report here.. http://stargazerslounge.com/observing-reports/77528-meade-lightbridge-observing-report-27-3-2009-a.html#post1198201



The Dark Art of Collimating !!!! ARGH !!!!!

Okay , well with all this talk about SCA collimators, as lovely as it is I simply couldn't justify spending all that money. I had a look at the Youtube video link that SteveL posted regarding it and well something akin to a penny dropped. As some of you will remember, I made a right dog's dinner of collimating my Cape the last time I tried, using a laser :mad:, requiring me to go swanning off to North Wales in search of Peter Wise and ask him kindly to re-collimate my scope. For obvious reasons




Went to IDAS last night with Rob (Red Dwalf) had a great time. Rob bought along his scope. He showed the members around it and we took go's at viewing Saturn. As normal it was pretty cloudy and very cold. There was three slideshow presentations where various members showed us there images taken that month. Some cracking efforts and nicely presented on a big screen. Overall a good night and look forward to the next one.




Bought one of those headlamps today. Looks pretty good has 4 settings including 2 red LED one. Very bright. Going up to Ilkeston Astronomical Society tomorrow with Rob so hopefully it will be a good night.




A very windy night but did manage a little observing see here. http://stargazerslounge.com/observing-reports/77342-meade-lightbridge-observing-report-23-3-2009-a.html#post1196138




Just spotted the 20.28 ISS fly pass. I've seen it a few times before but this time it was really bright. Glad I've seen it though as the shuttle was docked with the ISS. No luck with stargazing tonight as the house 5 doors down are having a barbeque and have one of those outside security light thats been turned on permanently. Also the sky is a bit lentil soup like.




Wanted to see the ISS tonight but no chance. Loads of clouds as normal. Bought a DV or Firewire lead today. My DV camcorder now acts as a webcam. All I need now is a nosepiece I think it's a "C" mount I need. Tried making sense of Registax. My god it's pretty hard to understand. The idea is to take an AVI of the moon and try using registax to get a good frame fromm it. We will see.



M101 results

Managed to run from 20:30 until 02:00 last night. I've just processed the data - very pleased, very VERY pleased :) My flexure problems seem to have vanished as well - I think it was the camera/filter wheel shifting slightly in the 2" tube of the refractor. 10 minute subs were possible previously, but I had to throw plenty away :( I wonder how far I can push the exposures now??? Time will tell! I want to try and capture some Ha data tonight if possible. I decided to stop shooting 3 x 100 of



New Toy!

I've been using EQMOD since I got my EQ6 last year - fantastic piece of software. I decided that it was time to get a wireless joystick, previously I've been using my old spare Microsoft Sidewinder - the only problem is that it is huge and doesn't fit in the pocket nicely. To replace it, I brought a Windows Xbox360 controller and the wireless unit to plugin to a PC (tip for you - these come together in one pack - you don't need to pay £30 for an Xbox360 controller AND another £25 for the wirele



Oh the frustration....

Well, my GSO problem still isn't solved. But I am not disheartened. I borrowed a 0.66 FR unit and have married it to my Astro Professional 102 ED, and it seems to be a match made in heaven. Last time I tried a FR, I was using a .66 with a Canon 350D on an LX100R, and the vignetting was terrible :( Still, on the refractor, this combination works very well. The first test of the system was on Monday, very happy: http://deepsky.org.uk/galaxy/m65-m66.shtml Tonight though, I am reaching for



Help - in search of 6 or 8 inch dobsonian refractor!!

Boyfriends birthday coming up and he keeps hinting for a new telescope (namely a dobsonian refractor). He is relatively new to the field and I don't know alot myself - where can I pick one up at a reasonable price, 2nd hand is ok/preferrable. Any help/advice please get in touch!




I let my mate in work solder those wires back onto my rotary encoder and I'm glad I did. Apparently it was a PITA. The wires were also broke by the plug, took him 2 hours to do. Anyway working now so well chuffed. Also put some bicycle handle bar grips onto my Handle bars on my dob. Looks good and makes it alot better to use.




23.43 GMT. 36th Launch of Discovery. Space shuttle launch on Nasa TV. My first time watching this live and I must admit I'm enjoying every minute of it. I love this stuff. Fingers crossed for a safe blast off. AWESOME.... LOVED IT.




My scopes outside cooling. Not a cloud in the sky buy it's pretty windy right now. I don't hold out to much for tonight. Not fun observing in a gale. Just looking at the scope sitting outside on the patio and boy does it look good. Can't believe I have one of these. A boyhood dream come true. Off to make a list of possible targets. Typical it's now all cloudy. Arrrghhhh why oh why does this happen.




Full moon tonight ..... At last the supplier for my broken rotary encoder has e-mailed with a schematic drawing of which wires go where. I've access to a soldering iron from work so hopefully, and fingers crossed I'll have a go myself. I'll let you know what happens. Cloudy outside so will be watching Champions league again Man Utd v Inter Milan. 2-0




Been really busy at work for the past few days so didn't post yesterday. Other then work there was nout to report and I'm sure you don't want to be bored about work. Been outside for a bit tonight, almost a full moon. A bit cloudy though so looking through some breaks in the cloud. Lunar is fantasic tonight. Didn't bother with the laptop outside so don't know which craters I've looked at but been up and down terminator and it's just so detailed and clear. When it is cloudy have bbeen watching sn




What a PITA looked outside at 18.00 lovely and clear, decided to set up my new barn door mount. Put it on it's tripod, polar aligned it. Set up the camera and laptop. Focused on the Dog Star. Started to take a 1 minute exposure and then clouds rolled in. It's outside still awaiting a break in the clouds but still as cloudy as ever. Oh well until next time.......




Stuck up two ceiling lights for my in laws today. Went shopping and then relaxed and watched FA Cup Quarter final between Man Utd and Fulham. Then spent a few hours on SGL. Not a bad day. Very cloudy outside so won't be stargazing tonight.



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