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    Astronomy (no kidding) Tropical Fish, xbox, rock music, cats, computers (building and modding), Bonzai trees, Sci Fi stuff, White Wine, Biomedical Science (well it is my job)

    If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, You've probably misread the situation!
  • Location
    birmingham uk

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  1. My Castelle OIII filter arived - with clouds

  2. I ordered two new EP's so I'm sorry if it clouds over for the rest of the month

    1. Mike73


      We had clouds forecast for the rest of the month anyway so maybe your new EP's will make the skies clear? :)

  3. crazyjedi

    Sun Sets

    I like sun sets because they're always different and often spectacular and some times they are the start of an observing session All of these images were taken with my humble camera phone so they're not perfect image-wise but they sort of capture the mood of the evenings
  4. Well one weekend of clear sky - now it's gone :(

  5. Clear sky weekend - and now it's gone :(

    1. Ganymede12


      I know! On the last clear night I was kindly given loads of free kit and I haven't been able to use it!

  6. crazyjedi

    Camera Phone Moon Pics

    These are some images I took using my camera phone held up to the lens of my scope. Nokia Lumia 710 SW 150p TV Radian 12mm
  7. Make the clouds GO!!!!

    1. Ganymede12


      Sorry but my Cloud Buster 3000 is in for repairs.

  8. Yeah i know exactly what you mean. Almost every day i check the online astronomy shops for new bits of kit to lust after.right now i'm fixated on a set of meade 4000 eye peices, oh and some qx wide angle lenses oh yeah and a nebula filter, and don't forget some planetary filters and ...... and ........
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