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  1. Yes indeed, but the secondary definitely needs heating with this setup. There is one hugh advantage of the secondary design: the mirror is not glued to anywhere. It is just genlty pushed down in the secondary cage with a layer of flexible foam. So whenever I need to replace this mirror it will be a piece of cake :-).
  2. Hi, Just to come back to my own topic: my 16" UL dobson has arrived end last year in excellent condition. I have already assembled it and I could take it out for observation. The quality of the optics is really good, I needed to do some tweaks to the mechanics but no major changes, CS, Janos
  3. Carole, Thanks for chiming in. My mount is connected to the PC with en EQMOD cable, and the slew is initiated from SGpro. So there is no gamepad involved, Cheers, Janos
  4. Hi, All of a sudden my AZEQ6 started a very strange behaviour in DEC. When I connect the mount via EQMOD and I send a Goto command to slew to a target, It stops for a second when the slew reaches the target coordinates( I see in in the EMOD monitor). After that, my mount is doing 5 more consequent slews in DEC without any visible reason ( tried with different targets). In the EQMOD monitor it shows no change in coordinates, but actually is slew about 10 degrees in DEC. When I send the mount to the Home position, this DEC offset stays, so it doesn't return to the original Home position. There is one single clue : when I disable the encoders in EQMOD, the mount works fine. What I have tried so far: - I have reinstalled the motor controller firmware, it is still 2.11.05 - reinstalled EQMOD from scratch - Resynced the encoders in EQMOD - I always do reset alignment data + Reset sync data before the first Goto - I have checked the DEC encoder, no visible damage. Reseated the encoder connectors. Non of these solved the issue. It would be great if someone had an idea what is going on here.... Cheers, Janos
  5. Hi, I would like to share my experience so far with you concerning the UL dobsons of Hubble Optics. To start with, I have purchased their UL 16" dobson end of May this year. They have advertised 3-5 weeks delivery time which would be acceptable. Now I am at week 10, and just received a message that my scope has still at least 6-8 weeks until it would arrive. It is pretty frustrating, but I cannot do anything about it. So, if you go for this design, be prepared for several months of waiting :-( CS, Janos
  6. jarbi

    Spectrumlab setup

    Setup screenshots for meteor detection
  7. jarbi

    Radio astronomy

  8. jarbi

    LB 16" mods

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