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  1. You need to remove the silicone to be able to unscrew the retaining ring. No it does not void the warranty as Lunt are happy to sell replacement blue lens on their website. As for the cleaning, I added a small amount (enough to cover the lens) into a small plastic container, then put the lens into the solution for a soak. - I left it for half a minute then removed the lens and rinsed under the cold tap to remove the cleaner. Holding it up to the light I could see the marks were gone. - If some marks remain give it another soak in the solution and repeat the rinse with water. - if you feel like rubbing it, then a cotton wool ball dipped in solution should do the trick Use Baader Wonder Fluid to rub the lens to a clean clear finish. I wore disposable latex gloves during this whole process. Alan
  2. Here is an update to my blocking filter story… After three years the replacement lens was starting to show signs of the original problem reoccurring… several small white patches could be seen on the edges and one central A quick dip in “Cillit Bang Limescale and Shine” and the marks vanished. After a good rinse under the cold tap and a quick final clean with Baader lens cleaner, it was as good as new. I was out with the LS60 yesterday and the views were back to “normal” to my relief. I am now ready for the show (as the Sun is finally awake!) Alan
  3. I am pleased to report another supernova that is approaching mag 14. This time its SN2021hpr in NGC3147. Here is my sketch from 5th April when the SN was only as bright as two very dim nearby stars Last night (9th April), I was surprised to see that the brightness has increased considerably and it is now matching some of the more easily seen stars nearby... The SN was only discovered on 2nd April so should still have more brightness to come. Have a look during these clear nights we are having! Alan
  4. I was out hunting the latest supernovae on 1st April and observed the following SN's - SN2021hiz in IC3322A (discovered 30th March and now at mag 14.9) Checking the latest images this morning, I see that the dot out on the tip (in my sketch) was the new SN. https://www.rochesterastronomy.org/supernova.html#2021hiz - SN2021gmj in NGC3310 (discovered 20th March and now at mag 15.6) This is a nice SN sitting on the end of a faint spiral arm. https://www.rochesterastronomy.org/supernova.html#2021gmj Both have not reached their peak brightness yet so should still get brighter. There is another bright SN but its too low for me to get at from my obsy shed It is SN2021fxy found in NGC5018, current brightness is mag 14.2 https://www.rochesterastronomy.org/supernova.html#2021fxy Have a look with these lovely clear skies that we have at the moment... Alan
  5. This morning I observed SNAT2021J in NGC4414 and it is bright! (now listed as 13.2) Here is my observing sketch: I was using the 20" Dob and Televue EPs connected to PVS-14 NVD. This supernova was immediately seen in both the 27mm (x77 magnification) and 18.2mm (x111 magnification) TeleVue EPs. I also tried with the Televue 67mm eyepiece (at a miniscule x31 magnification) and I could still just make out the SN even at this low magnification! I marked a few stars on my diagram - star "G" was about the same brightness as the SN. I know you may not have a NVD but at 13.2 magnitude you may be able to get it? I also successfully viewed: UGC7125 & SN2020qmp I started with the 27mm Panoptic attached to PVS-14 (magnification around x77) and at first did not see the SN, but I started to get glimpses after some time... Once I moved to the 18.2 DeLite (x114 magnification) then the SN popped into view. The SN is sitting within the galaxy disk and star "A" in my diagram was slightly brighter than the SN. Note the second galaxy just below (near star C) also seen in the same fov. I was amazed to find this SN as it has been around since July 2020. PGC048870 & SNAT2021K This was a toughie due to the small size of the galaxy at x111 magnification (18.2 DeLite), but I would say that I could notice the SN away from the galaxy central line (just about). There is another galaxy UGC8718 right next to PGC048870 and its easy to get them mixed up - PGC048870 is the galaxy nearest to the two brightest close-by field stars. UGC6930 & SN2020rcq The SN was vey faintly seen with the 18.2mm DeLite. It takes time to come into view. The SN was fainter than all the stars that I marked on my sketch! I was amazed to find this SN as it has been around since August 2020. Finally, another one to try is SN2020adow in PGC024012 (I would estimate that the SN was around mag 15 and brightening) , this one is available at a more sociable time and I bagged it on 5th January... Clear skies, Alan
  6. Just ordered the new version of the TNVC Televue adapter to connect PVS-14 to Televue eyepieces from FLO. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/tele-vue-eyepieces/tele-vue-tnv-14-eyepiece-adapter.html The image shows the original 15mm aperture connector but Grant opened a box and confirmed that they are the new 22mm aperture version! They also have the 67mm converter lens for the 55mm plossl in stock too... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/tele-vue-eyepieces/tele-vue-67mm-converter-for-55mm-plssl.html Saves paying to import from the USA. Alan
  7. The 55mm plossl did not perform well when used with a fast telescope, my f3.6 dob for example. Early adopters are saying this new lens fixes all the issues with the eyepiece for fast scopes. Night vision devices only show 40 degree afov anyway so why not increase the focal length at the same time and allow a wider exit pupil too. It now lets 20% more light through the eyepiece than the vanilla plossl (as an added bonus). Alan
  8. Here is a humble Televue 55mm Plossl (my most used eyepiece). It has its flaws and Televue have been listening to their customers and have been working to improve the eyepiece and also to increase the focal length to the maximum possible and still provide a 40 degree afov. Here is the new Televue 67mm conversion kit... Remove the screw top from the 55mm Plossl... Screw in the new 67mm conversion lens (using the inner thread of the top)... Replace the screw top of the 55mm Plossl... It still looks like a 55mm Plossl, but it is now a 67mm 40 degree afov eyepiece. I guess we should no longer call it a plossl as it now has an extra lens? Alan
  9. Steve, Congrats on your purchases You won’t be disappointed with your 2100 FOM setup that’s for sure! 1. Get a Televue 55mm plossl and the new Televue 67mm converter (fits inside the 55mm plossl ) - that they designed for night vision users - ordered then you are good to go... http://www.televue.com/engine/TV3b_page.asp?id=36 https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/711777-67mm-fl-conversion-lens-for-televue-55mm-plossl/ 2. I use a Baader 610nm red filter to filter out the moon (when I am not using the Ha filter) https://www.firstlightoptics.com/baader-filters/baader-colour-filters-for-visual-use.html 3. Maybe over time, look to add some faster focal ratio scopes to your squadron... At the end of the day it’s all about getting the fastest possible focal speeds to increase what we see at the eyepiece. 4. buy a copy of the “astrophotography sky atlas“ by Bracken https://www.amazon.co.uk/Astrophotography-Sky-Atlas-Charles-Bracken/dp/1517687802/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3OHXF0WUYJOB0&dchild=1&keywords=astrophotography+sky+atlas&qid=1594305009&sprefix=Astrophotography+Sky+atl%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-1 great book! Hope this helps, Alan
  10. I have an Astrosystems Dob cover imported from USA https://www.astrosystems.biz/covers.htm I went for the 20” f5 cover and it’s way too big for the f3.6!! but better too large and the shed has a dessicant dehumidifier that runs three hours a day https://www.airconcentre.co.uk/products/ecoair-dd1-simple-desiccant-dehumidifier-ecodd122sim?variant=15428686381154&currency=GBP&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=google+shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIo6ez7vKr6QIVxLHtCh2XtA_TEAYYAiABEgJ1w_D_BwE - the dessicant versions work at lower temperatures. Alan
  11. Date: Sunday 10th May 2020. 2240-0130hrs Scope: 20” f3.6 Lukehurst Dob with Paracorr (fl = 2089mm & f4.1). Night Vision: PVS-14 with Photonis 4g INTENS. Eyepieces: Plossl 55mm (f2 x38), Panoptic 35mm (f3 x60), Panoptic 27mm (f4 x77), DeLite 18.2mm (f5.8 x115). Introduction I had made a plan to attempt five supernovae earlier in the day and had drawn some star charts to match against once I had the target galaxy in the fov. The weather gods were on my side yesterday and I managed to get an immediate opportunity to search for the SN last night... Observing report 1.NGC 3643, SN2020hvf, Mag 12.4 (observed on 27th April, 8th & 10th May) NGC 3643 had to be the first target as it is getting too west of my shed and about to leave the drop-down side "window of opportunity". Luckily it is a very bright supernova and as I had observed it on two previous occasions I was quickly able to find it and observe for changes... You really have to look for the galaxy as this supernova is so much brighter than you would expect to see! Here is a sketch I drew on 27th April should anyone find it useful... 2.M61, SN2020jfo, Mag 14.5 (observed on 8th & 10th May) Next up, was the SN in M61 which I observed two night ago too. I would say that it is now a little brighter (almost matching the star above for brightness) than it was two nights ago. Here is my sketch from 8th May... 3.PGC 056685, SN2020fhs, Mag 16.1 (observed on 10th May) http://www.rochesterastronomy.org/supernova.html?#2020fhs Using the Panoptic 27mm eyepiece (x77), I was able to match the star pattern to my sketch and locate the galaxy which clearly had a double core. Changing up to the Delite 18.2mm (x115) I was able to split the SN from the core and identify that it was at the 8 o'clock position (which I then confirmed on my finder sketch). I could not hold the SN in my view but it was intermittently appearing. Here is my new sketch taken from the eyepiece view... 4.UGC 10561, SN2020hvq, Mag 15.9 (observed on 10th May) http://www.rochesterastronomy.org/supernova.html?#2020hvq Later I was able to get to UGC 10561 (just avoiding the apex of the rolled back shed roof). I had a bit of trouble finding the galaxy as there is a brighter NGC nearby (that I tried to star match to initially when using the 55mm Plossl). After changing to the Panoptic 27mm, I happened upon a decent sized edge-on galaxy that matched my finder sketch and I had found it. The galaxy is a nice size and the star match was a good one to the preliminary sketch. 2 clear separated dots are seen in the cigar shaped edge-on galaxy. There are two close-by stars (one either side) that seem to line up with the core dot and then the SN dot is clearly seen below. I tried for a brighter view using the Panoptic 35mm (x60) and the core plus SN could be seen clearly separated once again. Here is my sketch from the eyepiece... 5.NGC 6118, SN2020hvp, Mag 14.6 (observed on 10th May) http://www.rochesterastronomy.org/supernova.html?#2020hvp I had to wait for NGC 6118 to move west and come closer to the drop-down side of the shed as it is low to the horizon for me. Anyway, it was nearly there when I started to look for it in the eyepiece. I had the Panoptic 27mm eyepiece loaded (x77). The galaxy is large and the star match to the finder sketch is easy as there is a clear 3-3-2-2 pattern around the galaxy. At first I could not see the two dots within the disk but with time and patience they appeared together on and off in the view. As the sky continued to rotate and I got nearer to the drop-down side the two dots became more permanent. The SN seemed to appear first (in a triangle with 2 close-by field stars) so I reckon it was slightly brighter than the field star next to it in the disk. I switched to the panoptic 35mm for a brighter view and I could see the two dots in the disk easily once again. Here is my sketch from the eyepiece... Epilogue I have to conclude that it was a successful session. Its not often you get to view five supernovae in one session. Three of the five were new to me and that takes me to #24 for 2020 (a number that I am blown away with)! Maybe this will inspire someone else to try for these SN targets now the Moon is out of the way? Alan
  12. Here are my SN targets for next week (weather permitting)... 1.NGC 3643, SN2020hvf, Mag 12.4 (observed on 27th April & 8th May) http://www.rochesterastronomy.org/supernova.html?#2020hvf 2.M61, SN2020jfo, Mag 14.5 (observed on 8th May) http://www.rochesterastronomy.org/supernova.html?#2020jfo 3.NGC 6118, SN2020hvp, Mag 14.6 http://www.rochesterastronomy.org/supernova.html?#2020hvp 4.UGC 10561, SN2020hvq, Mag 15.9 http://www.rochesterastronomy.org/supernova.html?#2020hvq 5.PGC 056685, SN2020fhs, Mag 16.1 http://www.rochesterastronomy.org/supernova.html?#2020fhs (Remember to rotate the finder charts 180 degrees to match the view to a dob) HTH, Alan
  13. I was on a mission last night (to bag the SN in M61 before the rise of the Devils Orb due around 2300). I went outside at 2215 to get setup and was so disappointed to see that it was still dusk. Only the few brightest stars were visible naked eye (but at least I could complete 2-star alignment). By 2235 I was setup (with the 20" and NV setup) and nudged over to M100 for a test with the 55mm Plossl. M100 was just about visible so I felt a little deflated (but it is very large and surface brightness is lower) so I nudged down to M61 and SN2020jfo... To my surprise the supernova was easily seen at x38 with the 55mm plossl. The SN appeared fainter than the nearest star above but brighter than the nearest star below (left hand side of galaxy). I made a sketch: (brighter stars have an "x" through them, "g" is galaxy) Glancing back to the sky, it was still daylight to the west and pretty light above, so to see the SN in these conditions was amazing. Next, I went to revisit NGC3643 and SN2020hvf. The galaxy is tiny and faint compared to M61 but the SN seems huge sitting at the side (gives the visual impression of being very large in area anyway) and it’s way brighter that the one in M61 too. So bright that it really overpowers the tiny galaxy patch to the side I revisited M61 with different eyepieces but the view was pretty much the same. The Moon started rising so eventually I moved onto some Globular Clusters before giving up around 2340 - there may be better opportunities as we move through next week so no need to be greedy tonight. SN2020jfo becomes my #21st supernovae viewed in 2020. Which makes this my best year for supernovae hunting! (Unbelievable when you consider that most of January and all of February were lost to bad weather at my location.) Alan
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