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August 3, 2015: Clear skies on Skye

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We had some lovely sunshine here this afternoon, and after our visits to the Old Man of Store, the waterfall at Kilt Rock, and the rock formations of the Quiraing, there was still time to get out the SolarMax 60, and see the sun. The first thing I spotted was a huge prom on the northeastern limb, pyramidal in shape, and very bright. There were many filaments on the disk, and lovely detail around a sunspot on the eastern side of the disk. A low arc could be seen south of the big pyramid, and west of this arc a bright plage areas was visible. Another smaller prom was visible on the western limb. Seeing was much better than back in the Netherlands. The sun is now sinking behind the island of Lewis and Harris, and sending Jacob's ladders through the thickening cloud. Lovely end of the day

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Nice Michael. I got some minutes with PST too in the afternoon. At around 3 o'clock, that prom had left solar edge, up in the air at a distance about its own size. It's the first time I caught this view, quite spectacular :smiley: . There were some more proms were developing in East and South-East. When I got another chance after 5 o'clock, that up-in-the-air proms had disappeared :sad:

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