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Noise comparison for 6D, 7D and 600D


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A few months ago when i bought my 6D i did a comparison test with the 7D and 600D too see how they compare on dark noise.

Cameras were test at room temperature, inside my refrigerator and outside at -7C. Temperature mentioned in images is ambient temperature, not sensor temperature.

Sensor was warmed up at first with test images so my results are at max temperature it should reach at that ambient temperature, exposure length and iso.

Images were converted in Canon DPP with all settings to 0.

Nothing was done to the images except cropping them to 300x300 and combining them in PS.




Full resolution images on Dropbox

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Hello, very good comparison! Can I add darks from my Nikon D600 as well? When it comes back from service of course, it could take up to two weeks if I get unlucky. You can have my raw dark files so you can make a excactly same combining, whould you like to do that?

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D600 would be a great camera to add to the comparison :)

Have you sent it to be serviced to remove the oil spots on the sensor? D600 is a flop because of the oil on the sensor problems...Nikon should exchange them for D610 free of charge

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Hello, I can not confirm the oli spot problem with my camera. Its a major problem with the first early D600 cameras and I have used it very much in field, for professional use to do documentation work in my job and for private use nature, landscape and astrophotagraphy and many other things so the exposure counter is now ~11000 and I have 3 free services from Nikon and I think I loose one if I didn't take this chance to use one of them now. It is 3 check and clean in 3 years, (one per year) and that is why I wanted to service. And it is cloudy and bad weather for the moment anyway so it was a good time to do it.

I also have a Nikon D80 but that is not a interesting camera to do astrophotagraphy for a few reasons so I don't think it would do much of an contribution to measure that noisy CCD sensor. But I would be glad to contribute with my D600.

I also agree that I should get a new D610 instead to still have a D600, but my D600 works very well without any problems and I am very satisfied with that camera. It works well for AP too :smiley: I think I have to come back to this thread in a few weeks.

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Yes I have a few pictures, but some needs to be updated. The picture with M81 & M82 is the first deep sky every taken by me and I took it with a D80 on a Cave Astrola Deluxe B 8" f/8 newton telescope, 170 cm long tube! But a D80 is not a good camera to do AP with for many reasons, especially the amp glow. Not that scope either.


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