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ATIK Driver test app (pre-pre-pre-alpha release)


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Ok boys'n'girls - don't get too excited.

Things you should know first

1. This has nothing todo with ATIK themselves - if you have to moan at someone point yourself in my direction.

2. This is not completed but allows an image to be taken (automatically placed on desktop)

3. This is not designed to be a replacement for any image capture app you have.. this is to see if it works for a wider range of cameras ( v1 will be 383L & Titan(ish).. possibly 3 series but it's likely to show a 383L image and identity at the moment - this will be done shortly for v2 it's a simple job)

4. Compiled for 10.7 on a 10.8 machine so you should be able to use Lion and Mountain Lion.

5. I've not tested multiple 383Ls or multiples of other cameras..

6. Did I say it was pre-alpha. No it's not going to break anything but it will only take one image before needing a restart (this is down to the ordering of the image in the window and not the driver!)

7. No binning, no temp control, no filter wheel control, no ... you get the idea.

8. If you return using the square button then you find that the app will not be able to get back to the camera view again whilst probably moaning about window view constraints. I know :)

9. No you can't take it and write your own app - the driver is inbuilt into the app at the moment.

10. If you take an image you may find the app appears to freeze - this is because it's doing everything on the UI thread for debugging simplicity for now. For 383L that will be a few seconds..

11. Titan image content is a bit pooched at the moment - this is because I did something daft and I can't remember what I did :D I'll be targetting this too for v2..

To use

1. double click the app

2. it will either detect the camera plugged in, or if you've not plugged it in - just plug it in.

3. When/if you see a camera image - double click on it.

4. the window will side - you may hear your 383L do it's clunk-click initialisation that you've heard so many times before..

5. and you'll see a circular button - press it to take an image

6. the image will be written to your desktop (ATIKTestApp.tiff) and displayed in the window.

Here's an image (downsized) I took with my fingers over the nose of the camera of the 383L


Attached is a zip with the app (compiled in debug mode) v1.


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V2 of the app, featuring:* No sliding transitions that mess up - replaced by and instant switch

* I've added the USB detection codes for 314L and 314E (although the bcd value may be wrong and block it)

* Camera identification now works using the camera identification (Camera images for the additional cameras still todo, 314 is probably going to appear as a 383)

* Logging now directly to the trace.log on your desktop rather than the system console. To speed up, the app buffers 100MB of trace - this will only be written when you Quit the application.

edit: update to 2_1 (forgot to remove the dummy 383L code I was testing with)


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I've been travelling on business this week with planning hence the quiet.

If people can send me (via PM makes it easier) the trace.log and an example image. As the developer I'm interested in when it's not worked as well.

Known issues with v2.1:

* The test app saves in 16bit greyscale. The driver itself will be downloading the image correctly. The image will be saved as a black image for this reason.

* USB detection works without attempting to match the bcd (ie the usb version of the camera)

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OS X 10.8

Atik 420C

Doesn't detect the camera and the trace.log is zero bytes?

Can you explicitly quit the application? This would then cause the cached logging (makes the experience faster) to be written to file.

I'll check with ATIK to see if the 420C uses a new USB PID. I'll add this to v3.

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New version 2.2 with some simplistic changes to help:

* Now updates the camera identity from the camera after it's reconnected - so an ATIK 314L will appear (the correct icon too).

* The raw image retrieved from the camera is written to the desktop as ATIKTestApp.raw (this is a raw byte dump not an SLR RAW format)

* A TIFF is written if the the Apple TIFF routines work, otherwise the log will indicate if it failed - so no black images.

I'm still waiting on the 420C info, so I'll add that after 2.2..

If you could

* start the app

* attach the camera, attempt an image

* use the Quit Application menu bar option


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Just tested the V2 on my iMac running 10.7.4 and it didn't detect my 314l+.

Hmm interesting - can you give me some additional info about the 314L+? Is it mono?

edit: just chasing down the titan image issue next..

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Ok, v2.4 with a new piece of code that lists the USB devices attached when the app starts up.

If the app does not detect your camera, please attach the camera then start the application. Finally use the Quit from the top menu bar to shut down the app - this writes out the cached log file.

Apple's system report detects my ATIK Titan as:

Vendor-Specific Device:

45] Product ID: 0xdf2e

45] Vendor ID: 0x20e7

45] Version: 0.f6

45] Speed: Up to 480 Mb/sec

45] Location ID: 0xfd120000 / 4

45] Current Available (mA): 500

45] Current Required (mA): 100

At the top of the trace.log you should see something like from the app - regardless if the camera is detected by the driver:

NicksATIKDriverTest version 2.4

** Listing all USB devices..

** USB Information listed from your system for each device line:

** USB Device Address - where on the bus, so if we have two ATIK cameras we can see them

** USB Vendor Id (VID) - the manufacturer's USB identifier

** USB Product Id (PID) - the product USB identifier

** USB Version number (bcd) - the version of the product

** USB connected speed - High speed, Full speed or Low speed

** USB connected state - the system stated of the device (powered, connected, captive, suspended)

** USB manufacturer string (some devices do have this field populated)

** USB product string (some devices do not have this field populated)


fa000000: 0x05ac 0x8006 0x0200 H 0000061d : '' ''

fd000000: 0x05ac 0x8006 0x0200 H 0000061d : '' ''

fd100000: 0x0424 0x2513 0x0bb3 H 0000001f : '' ''

fa100000: 0x0424 0x2513 0x0bb3 H 0000001f : '' ''

fa110000: 0x0a5c 0x4500 0x0100 F 0000003d : '' ''

fa200000: 0x05ac 0x8509 0x0516 H 0000003f : '' ''

fd110000: 0x05ac 0x8242 0x0016 L 0000003d : '' ''

fa120000: 0x05ac 0x0246 0x0108 F 0000001d : '' ''

fa113000: 0x05ac 0x821a 0x0041 F 00000000 : '' ''

fd120000: 0x20e7 0xdf2e 0x00f6 H 00001018 : '' '' <--- this is the Titan


the next bit you will only get if the driver detects your camera. If not I am very interested in the USB list above (I can add the USB identifiers to the driver).

++ Identifying ATIK device ++

++ Usb device vendorId=0x20e7 productId=0xdf2e bcd=0x00f6 at speed 2

++ number of configurations = 1 (default current=0)

V2.4 here:


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Using 2.4 (with a repeat photo enhancement to allow focusing) using the Titan with the Vixen A80mf.


The 0.05 second exposure of pine trees without a IR/UV filter on so that's why it's bloomy.

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Hehe.. so I've been on a roll today - the sunny weather and clouds are to blame.

BIG update for v3.0

* Driver support for ATIK 4000 and 11000 added

* USB detection added for Large Format (4000/11000), 314L, 314E, Titan, 320E, 383L+, 420, 450, 428ex, 460ex.

Get it here:


To use

1. either start the app with the camera(s) attached or connect them after - the app will detect the cameras it supports

2. detected supported cameras are put into the main window

3. double click the camera and then the window will be replaced with a square and a circle.

4. click the circle to trigger a snap shot (be patient as it will wait for the 10 second image and then the download time)

5. the image will appear in the window (if you're using a track pad you can pinch-zoom/pan)

6. the image will be written to the desktop

7. click the square (or the gap where the square was) to return back to the main collection window

8. select any other camera and follow steps 3-7.

9. Select quit as below to write out the trace.log

What todo if the camera doesn't appear in the main ATIK Camera's window:

1. Plug in the camera

2. Start the app (no camera appears in the window but the USB identification is listed into the trace.log file)

3. Finish by going to the top menu bar and under "ATIKDriverTest" select "Quit" from the menu.

4. Trace.log on your desktop will now contain lots of interesting camera info for me - note the image is not stored in this trace.log (I did this with a 17MB 383L image.. the trace log was 71+MB in size!)

5. Send this trace.log to me please via PM :D

Three files will appear on your desktop:

Trace.log - a text file with debug info.

ATIKDriverTest.raw - a raw byte dump of the image, in case the Apple TIFF code has problems

ATIKDriverTest.tiff - a mono 16bit TIFF image from your camera.

Known Issues

* Image exposure duration is hard coded to 10 seconds

* No temperature control (so no setpoint) - this doesn't affect the camera it's just we don't say do a particular temperature

* no preview, no sub-frame, no binning support currently

* image saved as mono - if your camera is colour you'll need to debayer it (RGGB IIRC)

* 4000/11000 driver support untested (uses a new driver component) as I don't own either a 4000 or 11000 - I'd really like to hear back from 4000 owners on this one!

* you may get a warning triangle for the icon.. don't worry that's just a place holder.

I really appreciate your time and effort in just giving this version ago (especially all the non-383L and non-Titan cameras!)

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Interesting that 10.8's security features mean you get a unidentified developer warning as I don't pay the apple developer tax (ie I used to be a registered developer for £100 a year but I'm not currently). To resolve this you'll need to go into the control panel, select "Security & Privacy" then under the "General" tab use the padlock to ungrey the option to "Allow applications downloaded from:" and select "Anywhere".

Basically without this option ticked, you will not be able to use apps from non-registered developers.

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