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Warranty Repairs


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I bought it from First Light Optics, but it is outside the warranty period. 
     Please contact us; we can probably help. If it needs repair or a replacement part, we usually charge you only what it costs us.


I bought it from another dealer, but they have gone bust, aren't interested or cannot be contacted. 

     Please contact us; we can probably help. Many of our most loyal customers have been let down elsewhere.


I bought it secondhand, but it is still within the warranty period.

     In most instances, the warranty is not transferable, so a claim must be made through the original purchaser. If the original purchaser bought it from us and is happy to assist, we can usually help. 


I bought it from a grey importer (not an official UK dealer).

     The product has probably been sourced unofficially from a foreign dealer trading outside their terms and conditions. Unfortunately, there is little we can do in this instance. If the supplier won't help, then contact the manufacturer. 


I bought it from a trader.

     A trader is someone who buys/sells secondhand kit for profit. They have probably told you the manufacturer's warranty is transferable. It almost certainly isn't. There is not a lot we can do for you in this situation. 


I ordered it from a non-UK supplier, but it has developed a fault within the warranty period.

     You will almost certainly need to return it to the supplier. Please don't ask us to write a UK receipt or to process it as a UK purchase. We never do that. 


We hope that helps. 

Steve :smile:


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