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350D Modification Part 2


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Ref my previous thread without the part 2 bit above. This was a challenge which I could not resist. Now, is that stoopid?

Took the plunge today armed with antistatic wrist strap, iron, solder sucker, light, mag glass and general crossheads and flat screwdrivers etc. I took the lead from the first thread plus three on line how to do it. Filled with confidence? I began and completed it to removing the filter without replacement. I should say, today was the day as the lady of the house was out all day visiting her mum. This step is all important.

No step by step here but general comments.

Disassembly wasn't a trial though I foresaw trouble ahead in reassembly.

Main problem was the upper connectors on re-assemble. Ribbons were just long enough to mate into their connectors and this I found very very tricky particularly the smaller connector at the upper left - it is just too short to make it anyway easy. Half an hour to get it to mate.

My crisis was a connector, also short at the upper right. Got it to mate but the snap retainer fell off! No chance of a refit, too small and how did it fit and where? Fortunately it laid under another connector which laid it down but I added sticky tape to try to make sure.

From there on it was plain sailing.

Result. I expected real trouble. And, beyond my comprehension, the camera fired up. Shots taken with expected pink hew and focus.

Now here is a thing. The camera is fine on all modes other than the full auto mode, the square box mode - who needs it anyway - where the dreaded err99 occurred. Interesting. Is this to do with focus????

Would I do this mod again? No.

Was it worth the challenge - most certainly yes!

Just hope the camera stays this way. No foties as they can be seen in many places. Have ordered a Baader 2" UV/IR cut filter and I should be ready to rock 'n roll.

Lastly and not leastly many thanks to the help received on my original thread. Merlin and George in particular.

Now, where's the wine bottle?

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Good result, I did mine a couple of weeks ago and I'd do it again without hesitation. In all the tutorials I have seen there has been no mention of taking care with the ribbon connectors but that's gotta be the most important advice for anyone tackling this mod.

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Absolutely. The prime tool at your disposal is patience and the will to succeed. These connectors must of course sit square into their sockets. You do not proceed unless they are. But I still wouldn't do it again. Did you get an err99 in any mode?

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I did. Good wholesome pinky ones. Same as you'll see any where else. They are on the CF card and this laptop don't read them of course but I'll put them on my trusty XP pc and save them away.

Actually, I just tried the camera again, and no err99 anywhere. Mmmm.

So far so good.

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