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The 100 Best Astrophotography Targets - Book review


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Got this book by Ruben Kier for Christmas. It is part of Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series, and is subtitled "A Monthly Guide for CCD Imaging with Amatuer Telescopes", which sums it up really.

The book is divided up by month, with about 10 objects per month, each have a page of description and a full page colour image. Each description is split into three sections: a bit about the actual object, a bit about how best to image it and a bit about how to process it. There is also a little table of the imaging detail for the picture - from which one gathers that they were mostly taken with a 12" Meade or a 5.5" TEC refractor.

Most of the targets are well-known (although there are a few suprises!), but don't let that put you off - the images are superbly presented.

There is a small section at the back on how to choose a scope/camera/image process etc etc.

My only gripes - well, the really annoying thing is that there are basically only three versions of the imaging and processing text, one for galaxies one for nebulae and one for star clusters. So this just gets repeated time and time again! Just a waste of space which could be given over to more images.

We also get told repeatedly that target x is not suitable for DSLR or single shot colour imaging. This is just irritating (and plain wrong in many cases) - perhaps the fact that the author rather curiously (for a 2009 book) states that DSLR cameras are restricted to shots less than 1 minute due to their high thermal noise explains this.

The author also clearly has an obsession with H-alpha imaging - leads to some of the images being rather over-red in my opinion, but that is just a matter of personal preference.

However, for 20 pounds or so you get a book of great pictures, and a handy list of potential targerts. Definitely recommended.


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That's an interesting read Nigel, thanks for posting it.

I've looked at this book in the past and was going to buy it but never got round to it. It does sound like it's a little out of date with the information about DSLR imaging being blatently incorrect. (now)

Thanks again.

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I think a one minute upper limit for DSLRs has been incorrect for a long time!

Thanks to Nigel for a good review. I do think there is a place for a thorough guide to interesting imaging targets but if this is ten a month then something more comprehensive would be good.


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