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Imaging Scope

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Well I have finally realised, if I want to do imaging, I need tracking.

I have spotted this on Auntie FLO's http://www.firstlightoptics.com/proddetail.php?prod=s130pm

Starting out, I don't want to spend alot on imaging until I have maximised what I can do with my current camera etc.

Will this scope be any good for simple imaging? say the brighter globs, nebs and planets?

I am going to have to save hard (damn JSA) but it certainly something I wouldn't mind if it's any good.

I take it's better quality than my Tasco?


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Not what you want to hear mate but no, that kit would

not get you any further forward with imaging.

The scopes fine (I use one for imaging) but the mount

isn't designed for what you want.

That scope on an EQ5 is pretty good for starters but more money :?

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