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Prom alert (6th April)


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Is this the little fella you mean?


Quite an impressive show. A little while after I captured this, and had reverted back to the MKI eyeball, it spilt into two and was cascading back down on both sides... Lovely detail visually, something which I've yet to attain in my captures :icon_eek:

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Looks good :rolleyes: What time did you capture? Mine was between 5 and 5:15.

As is so often the case I just got the PST out on my camera tripod for a visual only session, and then saw that beauty arcing away, and I just couldn't resist. But the flimsy tripod and the gusty wind made it tricky. For imaging I really need to go the whole hog and get the HEQ5 out, no wind vibration issues with the PST on that! :icon_eek: I did get a chance to try my new Magni-Max 1.6x barlow out which is nice. Defo gives me some more detail.

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I'll check the exact time when I get home but it was same sort of time. Would have been somewhere from 4:30pm BST to an hour or so after that. (I was taking a lot of captures at the time and it just appeared.)

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