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First scope - again!!!

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Sorry if this has been done to death, but I am looking to buy my first scope – and having read loads of threads on SGL, other reviews and the advice in Backyard Astronomer’s Guide – am STILL unsure on what to buy.

I live in a flat in London where the light pollution is dire. However my grandmother lives about 30 minutes away and it’s much better there, so will be observing from her garden a fair bit.

The scopes I am considering are:

Evostar - Skywatcher Evostar 90 (EQ3-2)

Homepage - Skywatcher Explorer 150P EQ3-2

Dobsonians - Skywatcher Skyliner 200P Dobsonian

Given the light pollution issue, I will be spending quite a time looking at the moon, so that sways me towards the refractor (plus useful for birding etc.) However, I get the feeling that most will recommend the refractors over this… in which case should I get the EQ or the Dob? Although the Dob gets good reviews I’m a little worried about the push and nudge to track objects…?

Portability is a great issue as I need something I can easily move around, which also makes me consider this (which is also a fair bit cheaper)

Reflectors - Skywatcher Skyhawk 1145P

But I’d rather buy something I will like for a few years and not want to upgrade after a few months…

Any advice very gratefully received – I really would like to buy sooner rather than later.

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Toss up between the 150P (though I'd consider the PL version ahead) and the 200 dob. Having been too lazy to properly align my EQ3-2 mount, I have set the Lat to 90° and nudging it and it's easy enough so it's surely easier on a mounting designed for it.

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I too live in a flat so have gone down the refractor route, much easier to carry up and down stairs. Very portable and has enabled me to dabble in astro photography. If I'm just planning on just observing for an evening I tend to use my binoculars. Okay so I'm not going to get the same magnification as I can get on the scope but you get a very wide field of view, useful for DSO's. Might be worth considering.



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