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converting frombattery to trnsformed mains

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Hi everyone,got really interested last year with an adult GCSE in astronomy & recently got a Meade goto 2130 ,currently powered by 8x1.5v batteries.,with a male & female connector as per a flat 9v battery.considering changing to mains via a 12v transformer,any experiences/suggestions greatly appreciated.

many thanks

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Hi Paul,

Lots of power supplies out there and as Dave suggests Maplin is a good source. Or you might have a spare supply hanging around?

Important thing is to make sure the polarity is correct. If you have a power socket check what the centre and outer polarity is, then make sure the supply is the same way round.

Sorry if I am teaching you to suck eggs but you don't want to blow your kit up!



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Hi Rascal,

Looks like the supply plugs straight in. As mentioned above, just check that the polarity is the correct way around.

I would normally be very wary of buying an item such as this off eBay. Whilst is mentions approvals, you need to be confident that this company is a legitimate one and not someone operating from overseas or from their back garden whom disappear when your house burns down. I would also check out the approvals to make sure they are relevant.

I obviously cannot vouch for or otherwise, but if a member on here - Andy - has one then it can only be a good thing. All I suggest is you be aware before buying. I have seen many products not up to standard causing all sorts of problems!

Best regards


ps I hope I have not worried you unduly, but I am very cautious about these things. Particularly so as I am an electronics engineer.

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Hi guys.

Yes the power supply does plug straight into my Skywatcher Alt Az mount, the jack is of the correct size and polarity. The only downer is that the lead with plug attached is short, however this is easily extended in a safe manner for outdoor usage and it beats paying out for 8 batteries at a time!

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