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2 inch barlow

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What is the best 2" barlow to use with my baader zoom, if a barlow can be used with this at all.

The reason i want a 2" is because i want to get a 2" wide angle ep and maybe use it with that, again i don't know how feasible that is.

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I use an Antares 1.6x 2" barlow which is of excellent optical quality. The Tele Vue Powermate 2x 2" or the Tele BIG barlow are also superb but have Tele Vue prices to match.

While the Antares works exceedingly well with my Nagler and Ethe eyepieces, when I had a Baader 8-24 zoom recently I thought the barlowed views through it lacked sharpness - probably just too much glass in the optical train.

On it's own the Baader zoom does quite well at keeping up with fixed focal length eyepieces but barlowing just seems to take the performance down a notch.

That's just my experiences - others may have different views of course.

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