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Help with Rosette, pretty please....

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Hi Guys,

Along with expanding my M42 I acquired some data on the Rosette Nebula on Friday.

I am having issues extracting the nebula, I can see there is something there but no matter what curve I apply (Following this tutorial: How to stretch the histogram using levels and curves, and messing about myself) I cant seem to enhance the Rosette.

Now I may be pushing it with my setup, I dont even know if I can push anything out of this with the data I have.


6 x 600s subs, 8 x 600 Darks, Bias and No Flats.

Taken with a D200 on SW250p DS.

I appreciate I have only uploaded a jpeg but if someone can confirm if anything else can be extracted and what to do I can try on the large tif.



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Dropox is really useful use it to sync stuff between my work and home PC's and you can get it as an app for smartphones.

It Might be tomorrow before I have a look as the skies are clear ..... and I am just about to pop out and set soem kit up...

Easiest thing to do is pop it into the public folde rthen send anyones whos interested a link...

Make sure you copy stuff there rather than move it... or you will be wondering where your local copy has gone...

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Nice sharp stars for 10 min subs. You just need a lot more of them, as I found with my efforts at the Rosette using the same scope. And, of course, some flats.

However, I ran your jpeg through GradientXterminator and it got rid of a lot of the vignetting. Need the original TIFF, though, to be able to process it properly.

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Cheers Peter. Ive uploaded to Dropbox:

Dropbox - Photos - Online backup, file sync, and sharing made easy.

Hopefully this is a link to it. I look forward to what comes back.

Luke, I think GXT will be next on my list to get, ive just got Noel Carboni's actions which are superb. Id be interesting to see what the effect actually was.

CW, its actually in there then, wow. Ill give the red channel levels a go and see what happens.

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