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Story of my starry life


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He guys,

Thanks for this warm welcome!

I suppose I am sharing the biggest issue with you guys from the UK: the weather! Then, when the sky is clear, the light pollution is very bad (and Pibble will confirm since we are almost neighbours): not only the airport, but highways going to the airport and the city lights of Brussels... The only solution is I could find is: long exposures, HAlpha and good scope/CCD... But, in the holidays, I'll get somewhere far away where the sky is always dark and clear !!!

Doug, with the LX200 the situation was quite different: it was my first scope (2nd hand on ebay), I had a DSI-PRO (that I am using now for guiding). What I did with the LX200 is learning the basics: a lot of trials, a lot of errors...

Thanks again for your messages, I hope to be a fair and helpful member of SGL!

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I can vouch for the LP being pretty bad, however a couple of months back the street lights went out for a while and it did make a large difference at least locally. There was still plenty of glow around though.

Am I right in thinking Belgium is one of the heaviest light polluted countries in the world?

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