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SX Filter Wheel Arrives!


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My SX filter wheel, filters and OAG have finally arrived after what seems an epic wait over Christmas for delivery! Here is the setup attached to my Meade 5000 ED80 for balancing with the Sx-H16. I was slightly surprised by the size of the filter wheel, but it can hold five 2" filters, and the wieight of the whole imaging assembly. I soon had it operating with Maxim shooting test images of the wall with the filters wirring into position. Focus is extremly tight with the TV 0.8 FR on the Meade. The max BFL of the FR is 60mm, while the distance to the CCD is 59.8mm! Had to skim off part of the Tmount adapter. The fitting on the C8 SCT should be much easier since its FR BFL is 105mm. However, the C8 will not balance in Dec without an extra weight at the front.


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