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Help with binos

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I am trying to learn the constellations.I can only see a few of the major stars in each. I have a pair of Pentax 10x50 binos but the field of view is too narrow, and I have naturally very shaky hands. These binos are not much use for tracing the constellations and I was wondering if a pair with lower magnification and a wider FOV would be better? Any help gratefully received.

BTW I can't even make out any of the moons of Jupiter with my Pentax binos so maybe the eyes are shot as well!:)


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Thanks, yes I have a tripod as well, I could give it a go.

I was thinking of buying some 7x50 to give a wider field of view for my constellations. I have a 120mm refractor that I bought second hand but need to learn the basics first.

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Your not going to get any binos which will show you a whole constelation, a pair of 8x40's is probably the largest field of view you'll get at around 6 degrees.

As for Jupiters moons as nightfisher said you should see them try resting them on something and get the focus bang on and they should be visible. I can see two of the moons in my 8x25's.

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