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Clear in south Wales!!


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Clear across the Severn in North Somerset. Moon is drowing out DSO's but double stars are looking great. I've seen E & F Trapezium and I've been counting the craterlets in Plato with my 4" and 6" refractors.

Great to be out there !.

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Itook about 30 mins of various darks n lights. Gave my mate his pair of revaluation 15x70. He was amazed. He found it better than my dob. Only thing bout then tho they fogged inside where my celestrons don't :S now I need a windows pc to dss my pics *waits for dpd guy with powercable for my laptop*

Just a off topic q. What's best way to take Luna pic with my dslr. Bulb at 2s is too bright even stopped to 16.

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Clear ain't the word for it, with the light pollution and that big moon, I had no chance lol.

Had a quick nose at the moon but then it went behind the house >..< I think I need to relocate, the view where I am is limited to say the least lol.

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