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first lunar images


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Hi i took some images of the moon the other day for the first time just using my iphone and putting up to my 10mm eyepiece on my 10 inch dob.

They arent great mostly because the iphone camera sucks and i think i over sharpened it lol but anyway:



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wayyy iphone 4 lost to a 3gs! all i did was shoved the camera to the eyepiece. Its hard getting it in the right position and angle so i just move it around until i see a bit of light on the phone, move a bit more towards the light until the moon is in view and then align as i like then snap away. Were you holding away from the EP? if so thats why i just push the phone onto the EP.

Thanks guys they arent great lol, ive ordered a t ring adaptor for my canon DSLR so i should be able to get some good pics, but i still dont understand how attaching a dslr to a telescope without an EP works?

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Yeah I did the same as you. Find a dot of light on the phone then race towards it till you get some sort of image and snap away. I couldn't actually hold the phone against the eye piece though and use it as a sort of rest or I would move the scope and make the pic worse.

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I reckon it should be great if its HD quality. The cool thing about using video is that when you put it in registax5 you get lots of still of the vid shots and just select the best ones let me know how you get on be nice to see what the iphone can do. Heres my rubber band phone method


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Yeah I'll be sure to let you know. I'm slowly working out that my eye pieces are not too good though - 0.965 SR4mm (can it get worse?). maybe that has something to do with my first attempt being so bad :)

I'm off to continue my research :)

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