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Great night!

dark star

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I had a really good night, the first one in ages. I dragged myself out of bed at 3 a.m. as earlier in the night it was quite hazy. and it was really clear.

While looking for Saturn I came across a faint fuzzy by chance, I think it may have been M3, It was above Arcturus, from my light poluted garden on the outskirts of London lots of deep sky objects look like quite similar faint smudges!

I am really happy as this is the first time I have spotted something by chance.

I then looked at Saturn which was amazingly beautiful, I have a 150mm Intes Mak and with a 7mm Uwan eyepiece Saturn was amazing!

Very early in the morning I then looked at M13 the Hercules cluster and M57 the Ring Nebula. They were very nice but as always a little dim because of light pollution. One day I am going to get a 12 inch dobsonain and see what a difference double the aperture will make.

I just wanted to add that just before Christmas I found M81 for the first time, but I haven't managed to find it again!

Off to bed extremely satisfied. I thought the clouds would never clear!

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HI i have a 12" dob and jupier nd all its l moons were pretty nice ,the great orion neb with and with out the 0III were to say the least were a the biggest treat the detail and stars in that group was nothing but pure magic to my eyes sounds like you had a great night


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