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Hello, I hope yall dont mind me asking for help. However I have always had a armchair interest in astronomy for years! And now I would love to get even deeper into it. But the only problem is I was Never "active" in it until a few weeks ago when I decided to explore the skys in a serious manner. But the serious manner for me quickly falls short due to the lack of equipment i have, hence i only have a 10x50 binocular haha. Also i have been wanting to but a nice telescope but things around here seem to be a bit hard with money so for a starter telescope i can only spend no more than around my budget of...ehh roughly $70 dollars. I know this is a sad budget but al i want is to see a few craters on the moon, see the rings of staurn, not looking for other universes haha. But so i was wondering if any of you knew a fairly good telescope around that budget? Many thanks, santiago

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Hi. Santiago, welcome to SGL.

I would recommend you try to find an Amateur Astronomy Society to join if you can. Texas has many of those societies, and I have posted a link to them.

If you could find one reasonably near where you live, please get in touch them, they will welcome you as a member.

Chances are, there will be telescopes of all sizes, and you will be able to join them in the field when they are out on observing or imaging sessions. With luck, they may even have telescope making projects, and you could get involved in that activity, and perhaps make your own mirrors, and hence, your own telescope.

That would be a great way for you to proceed, and you will thoroughly enjoy it

Worth a shot my friend, you have nothing to lose, and a lot to gain.

Good Luck



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Well i cant do a 3 hour dirve to any of those clubs, but hey, if you can direct me to a telescope no more than... $110? then that would be great has it would be a nice starter

Santiago, I know Texas is a very large State, and I had no Idea where you live. However, some of those Astro Societies may be online, and could possibly have members with bargain scopes for sale.

Buying from the UK would add a lot of money to the deal for carriage costs. What about looking on EBay? there are often scopes for auction on there.

A word of caution though, if you think you have found one you would like, get some advice from us before you commit any money, because there have been a few turkeys on there, as well as good ones.


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You're in the US, I take it, so look in the classifieds on astromart.com and cloudynights.com I just looked but can't see anything within your budget right now. Orion US sell a 100 mm reflector for $100, but to be honest I wouldn't bother. I know it gets nice reviews but if you save up $200 then you can buy their 6" Dob, which will serve you much better.

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That scope is a 4.5" f8. I don't know the make at all.

It is cheap, but there's the rub, it may also perform poorly.

I would recommend you forget that one.

You may be in a hurry, but try to be patient, and collect a few more dollars. For every $20 you add to your stash, the better instrument you will eventually get. There is no rush. The stars ain't going anywhere.


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