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Shooting the eclipse in the morning


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Was wondering if any if you lovely lunar folk could suggest settings to use to take a few quick snaps of the eclipse in the morning. To date I've only really dabbled with prime focus DSO AP using the bulb setting. My canon 1000d is un-modified and has the basic 18-55 lens. I wont have time to setup my scope so was thinking of hand held. What ISO, f stop, white balance etc would you suggest? Presumably I will also need to use manual focus, or given that it'll be hand held, should I not even bother? I tried a few shots tonight with various settings but without a great deal of success.

All suggestions (even catch yourself on) greatly appreciated :-)

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hi, Your average settings for a sunny day here on Earth are usually ok for the Moon as it's always sunny up there (apart from during an eclipse of course)

here's a pic of the Moon I took with a Canon Powershot G9 and 2xtele conversion lens. The settings should give you a reasonable starting point but because of the eclipse you may need to give a bit more exposure. Good Luck

ISO 80


1/60 second


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I forgot to mention, manual focus at (or very near) infinity and mounted on a tripod. It might be worth bracketting the exposures too.

this attachment was taken with a Canon Powershot G2, ISO 50, 2 secs @ f/2.8

I hope you get a chance to post some of your pics. Good Luck


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Hi IvanT,

I am interested in the settings too but don't think I'll get the chance to try them, it's just started snowing here again:mad:

BTW I see you have the CLS and the Skywatcher LPF, which would you recomend for general DSO AP (i've heard the cls can be a bit aggressive)?

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Yeah the cls can be a bit of a light killer. The other I've not been able to test out so far due to weather and a pier project. Hoping to get a few good runs with it over the holidays. I bought it based on advice from several SGL members.

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This is the only image that was close to worth keeping, taken pretty much at the start and before it dipped behind my garage.


This was through trees just before totality. I didn't do it justice with the photography but I really enjoyed watching it.


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