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hi guys, so tonight i am planning on buying a telescope, i am currently set on the orion 8" XT8 which is this Orion SkyQuest XT8 Classic Dobsonian Telescope | Orion Telescopes now i was looking at brands i see theres a zhumell 8" telescope for 380$ reg 700$.... im thinking hmmm i see it comes with the lazer for the alignment and 2 eye peices and a moon filter, heres link for the zhumell Zhumell Z8 Deluxe Dobsonian Reflector Telescope - Telescopes at Telescopes so my question what is the better one to go with, i know zhumell has a fan, but in practicality, i know people say orion is top notch and there support is superb, and there quality is awsome, zhumell i am not much on knowledge on them some people love them, but wondering why it would be priced at 700$ new???, and whats the better one to go with, if i went orion i will buy a eye peice kit and probably same any how with the zhumell, thanks!

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Hi and welcome to the forum, can't help with the Zhumell but I do have an Orion Xt10 and the optics are just fine. Not sure if you'll get many Zhumell owners on this forum try cloudynights.com

There's a lot of happy Zhumell owners on Cloudynights. Here in the UK, the Revelation dobs are basically the same. But we only get the 12", the 8" and 10" were deleted from the range sometime ago.

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