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Next nebula?

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The Orion nebula is by far the brightest in the North Hemisphere. Unfortunately, I can't think about many to find on a 4.5" scope unless your skies are really dark.

M27 is bright and easily seen on binos under a dark sky. M57 should be easy but it's too low at this time of the year. If you observe right after sunset there's a chance these 2 will still be high enough.

M8, M16, M17, M20 are also very bright but they are only available in the summer and can be a bit hard to see if you're above 45º latitude.

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Hmm. I tried for a third of a month to locate the crab nebula, and couldn't, either its too small or too dim for me to pick out where i live.

It's dim indeed, but not small. I would imagine it, as little more then a slight brighter area in the sky when viewed with a 4.5". On my 8" it's featureless but easily noticeable.

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You've given me new hope to keep trying to find it, although I think I will take a break and concentrate on some of the star clusters. The ones I have found look stunning. Pleadies, M36, the one in Canis Major(not sure of the M number) If I happen to find another nebula, that isn't just my eyepiece being fogged up, I'll post it up.

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