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CG5 GOTO problem

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I got a CG5 GT a couple of weeks ago and having a few issues. I level the mount, polar align using polarfinder then put in the time, date and location using lat and long (Got them the wrong way round the first time!). Date is in US format. Then try a 2 star alignment. The mount slews and points at a part of the sky that doesn't seem to have any bright stars. I am using a Halfords powertank that is rated at 17ah and has plenty power as my laptop went flat and I was powering that from it as well to check in Stellarium where I should be pointing. Its in the general area but nowhere near the star in question. The power lead is brand new from FLO. The time zone is stated as UTC, I assume that is the same as GMT. Any ideas where I'm going wrong?



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I often find my CG5 can be miles out on the first alignment star and even on the second - upto a couple or so degrees perhaps - I just manually slew it onto the desired target and carry on.

By the time it gets to 1st or at most 2nd calibration star its generally spot on. Doesn't mean, yours is ok of course.

Are you remembering to select Standard Time as opposed to Daylight Saving Time? It wouldnt be the first time that I have forgotten that one :-)

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I often find my CG5 can be miles out on the first alignment star and even on the second - upto a couple or so degrees perhaps - I just manually slew it onto the desired target and carry on.

By the time it gets to 1st or at most 2nd calibration star its generally spot on.


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My routine for the CG5:

1) Set up mount, aligning leg tips with pre drilled holes in patio. I always leave the mount head on when storing, that way I only need to update polar aligning every other month or so.

2) Power up, enter date, time (UTC)

3) 2 star align plus at least 3 calibration stars

Slewing to empty parts of the sky during calibration is usually a result of wrong date, time or location being entered. If its a 2nd hand mount it might be worth doing a factory reset and setting it up from scratch. Double check your location, your location detailed in stellarium will do.

I cant imagine it being polar aligning becuase as long as polaris is roughly in the middle of the polarscope, then the first star you slew to should be somewhere in the view of your finderscope. Pick an obvious alignment star, ie: Vega, Deneb, or Capella - that way you can be sure youve got the right place.

Hope that works for you.

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