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Does the EQ6 Syntrek come with a polar alignment scope?


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It is not necessarily going to be accurately aligned, though. You need to get the polar axis/polar scope pointing at a distant object and then rotate it to see if the centre of the polarscope crosshair remains fixed or rotates in a circle. It needs to remain in a central position. Then your polar scope is aligned with the polar axis of your mount and will work properly. They are a bit primitive and plasticky on the EQs but are good enough for jazz, as they say. Back this up with a drift alignment if imaging and you are laughing. For visual use, rely on the polarscope.


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Ah yes, I was just watching a video on YouTube about aligning the polar scope to the mount.

When you say primitive and plasticy, is there a better type of polar scope and would it actually make the mount better to use over what's there already?

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