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Nebula filters for 6" newt??

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Hi all!

I had a spectacular night's viewing the weekend before last and took in some spectacular sights. Top of which was the Orion nebula! It's the first time i've been able to really appreciate the difference my Baader UHC-S filter makes when viewing nebulae.

It made me wonder if there are any other such filters that can bring out yet more detail from the nebulae? I'm aware that i really don't have the light grasp to use the more restricted tight wavelength O3 filters but i just wondered if anyone had experience of another filter that was not quite such a tight bandwidth but perhaps tighter than my Baader UHC-S:rolleyes:

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Opinions do vary, but I've used an OIII on a 90mm short focus refractor to

see both sides of the Veil neb in same field of view. But on M42 I prefer either

the unfiltered view or a UHC.

So perhaps an OIII could be a useful second filter for your 6", but I think that

you already have the best filter, a UHC is useful on a greater range of objects.

Best regards, Ed.

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I found the Orion Ultrablock was a step "up" from the UHC-S but not as harsh as an O-III. My current Astronomik O-III actually has a slightly broader band pass width than an "normal" O-III and therefore is effective even in modest apertures (ie: my 4" refractor). I've also tried a UHC from Telescope Services in Germany and that seemed similar to the Ultrablock.

With M42 though I personally prefer the un-filtered view. It's planetary nebulae and super nova remnants where I really value a good UHC or O-III.

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Yes i'm very keen to get my eye on more in the way of planetary nebulae. The only one i've seen is the dumb bell nebula and that was before i got my UHC-S. My scope is quite small and my skies are usually not great (i'm rather too close to the M5 motorway) hence finding planetary nebulae is very difficult without a filter. I only found the dumb bell by methodically scanning the entire area of the summer triangle. and when i tried to find it again a few nights later i was not able to. :D

I just wondered what would be the most effective nebula filter for my scope.

Maybe the Ultrablock will be worth a try?

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