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TS Planetary HR eyepieces

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I bought these from Modern Astronomy, and I think it has been a good investment. After my trial period in my new job is over, I will buy another (7mm). When I eventually get my Dob I will also add the 5mm and 4mm.

They seem to be very well made, extremely comfortable to use and they give good views. Their twist-up eye cup is a great feature. If they had the Hyperion multicoatings they would be amazing, I think. As it is, they have slight reflections on bright objects.

Unlike other TMB clones, they also come in 15, 20, and 25mm focal lengths. Does anyone know how these longer focal lengths perform, particularly in an F6 scope?

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Skies the Limit does the 15, 20 and 25mm in their version of the TMB clones, although I'm not sure if they should really be called TMB clones as the original design wasn't intended to go to those focal lengths.

I bought all three and tried them out in a f/6 scope.

The 15mm was not bad at all, but had some edge distortion.

The 20mm had a bit more edge distortion, but was still usable in an f/6 scope although it would be better in a slow scope.

The 25mm had quite a lot of edge distortion (from about 50% from the centre) and I'd only recommend it in a slow scope such as an SCT or Mak.

BTW I kept the 15mm.


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While the 15mm isn't quite as sharp and contrasty as the clones up to 9mm and there is that bit of edge distortion it's still a decent eyepiece.

I've kept mine as an inexpensive eyepiece to have around, and it usually gets left in the scope to use for a first look. If I want to get a bit more serious I drag out my 13mm Ethos. :D


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Do you think the TS 15mm would be step up on my 15mm Celestron Omni plossl? Optically, I mean. I know it would be an improvement in terms of build and comfort.

The Omni Plossl is not too bad, but no better than most of the other low priced plossls out there. The TS 15mm will be sharper and will have clearer colour rendition so yes it's a step up optically.


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I've kept mine as an inexpensive eyepiece to have around, and it usually gets left in the scope to use for a first look. If I want to get a bit more serious I drag out my 13mm Ethos. :D


It's nice to know that a TS 15mm can keep an Ethos sitting on the bench! ;-)

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