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I used to bin 2x2 my RGB data and quartered my time in relation to the amount of luminence I did, ie: if I did 1 hours' worth of luminence then I'd do 15 mins of Red and Green and do a little extra for Blue (say, 20 mins) due to atmospheric scattering. The idea is you do the same amount of each colour to match your luminence.

But I found that binning the colour data, expecually at short focal lengths didn't work particularly well so now I don't bin my colour and only do about an hour of each no matter how much luminence I've captured.


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I tend to go for equal portions in terms of light gathering. Obviously 2x bin only needs 1/2 the time.

I always keep my LRGB ratios equal (even if I have to loose some spare subs) so as to get the correct colour balance of the object.

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