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What New Scope for Christmas?

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What's the best scopes for planetary/lunar imaging that people can think of for around £350. Ive already got the mount (a CG-4) so just need the OTA.

At present I'm using a Celestron Omni 120mm refractor but as it's an achromat it doesn't perform well with colour (didn't buy it originally with astrophotography in mind).

I've just decided this second that I'm going to treat myself to a new scope and not a new laptop for christmas so any ideas would be a great help :)

Thanks a bunch


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On that mount, I'd consider something not too large - a 127mm Mak would have the advantage that you do't need a very strong barlow to make the focal length large enough, and the large f/ratio will make focusing rather pleasant.

For something radically different, you could also consider an autotracking 8" Dob on the side, but getting the mirror to cool well is going to take some work, and focusing will be a lot more difficult unless you have a very good dual speed focuser. The resolution is a lot larger, though.

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