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I need some suggestions.

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I need some way of being able to watch the stars with my XT4.5 from the front of the house without being too conspicuous about it. The front of the house faces a sidewalk and street, with a porch, and is fairly open, I've thought about just having it on the front porch, but it is covered at the top, and so I don't get a good view of the sky if I go out near the sidewalk I feel uncomfortable with the people walking by(the traffic isn't bad in pedestrians or traffic I just don't like having people walk with the scope out in the open.) I hope I am making sense.

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Well there's always a few curious looks but neighbors will get used to it soon enough and I like to look a bit geeky.

I guess you either find a secluded place or just go out there and deal with the few approaches of people asking to have a peek and just ignore the curious looks.

Me, I can't wait to see the look on my neighbors when I get one of this :):


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Just put out where its best for viewing, dont worry about people walking past, you'll be amazed at how many stop and talk to you and ask if they can have a look themselves.

It wont be long before you'll be glad of the company!:)

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How about portable barrier panels of pvc pipe and plastic tarps? I made a few (each 5' high x 10' long) for wind protection, but they'd work as a visual barrier, too. For something less involved, try a clothesline with a blanket or quilt hanging on it. You might need to weigh the bottom down if it's windy. :)

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I do most of my observing from an open front garden and have found that most people ignore me, some of the kids can be a bit persistent though (interest not aggression). Another thing is that if you are open and obvious about it, you are likely to get fewer 'peeping tom' comments/complaints than if you appear to be hiding/skulking in the background.

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Thanks for the advice, There is no real seclusion in the front, but I will try just plopping it out on the path to the sidewalk one night, that way get more sky and if I do get complaints I'll show them that the scope is a bit big to peek at the neighbors window. Never tried it, so I don't know if I could with an xt4.5.

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Just point it up towards the sky, have some charts with you and a pen/paper with some sort of casual observing log. That way they'll have to be pretty thick to think you're doing anything other then stargazing.

Besides the more openly you stargaze the less suspicion there will be.

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