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EQDIR module problems

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I have a problem with using a Hitec EQDIR module. I currently drive my EQ6 via a Vista laptop running EQMOD & Starry Night, prolific USB-serial dongle, 10m serial cable, Synscan handset (PC direct set), EQ6, reliably and without any problems. I also have a wireless gamepad for local control, again without problems. I also run a separate long USB repeater cable to a powered USB hub at the scope for camera/guide camera control, again without problems.

I thought I would try to simplify the setup by removing the synscan handset/serial cable and driving the EQ6 through the powered USB hub via a Hitec USB EQDIR module. For the test I removed the camera connections so the EQDIR module was the only thing going through the hub/repeater cable.

What I find is that Starry Night connects OK to the EQ6 via EQMOD/EQDIR. If I select a target one of two things happen. Either it will slew towards the target but stop before it reaches it, or it will reach the target but further position tweaks with the gamepad will cause the mount to start moving and not stop. In both cases communication is frozen and the mount will not respond.

I've not tried local computer control without the USB repeater cable/hub yet, but I wondered if anyone has had similar problems or can advise what they think the issue may be or what to try next.

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I use a similar setup but with a Shoestring EQDIR plus Prolific USB dongle and everything works fine.

If it is possible, I'd try to remove the hub and repeater cable from the equation ie just use the Hitec connected to the laptop and mount and see if that works. If it doesn't, then the Hitec unit is a faulty one - I'm sure your supplier will replace it.


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Just an update what I've found this evening. If I connect direct to the laptop the Hitec adapter seems to work OK. Although I did have one event where using the gamepad to nudge the scope position caused it to move continuously and not respond to the laptop, requiring a power cycle to correct. It may have been related to using the gamepad before the scope had stopped slewing (?). So it seems that either the hub or the USB repeater cable may be the main cause of the issues. Its strange because the cameras work OK through the same hub and cable. The only 100% reliable control still seems to be with the long RS232 cable through the handset.

The reason I'm investigating these devices is that I'm considering an obsy controlled from the house, and I didn't really want to run 3 cables as I do at the moment (mains, RS232, USB). It appears that the most reliable method is everything connected to a local obsy PC controlled by remote desktop via network cable.

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