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How suitable is this scope as cheap guide-scope

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Firstly, I hope this is posted in the right area.

I have seen a 60mm x 700mm Meade scope on Scopes and Skies AstroBoot (2nd row down 1st column in)

The comments against it state "Would make a good guide scope"

Is this really the case? I appreciate that it is not going to be top-notch, but for £25??

I would still need a camera, QHY5 - for example, but would not mind paying considerably more money for the camera than the scope at this stage as the camera would still be more than capable when funds allowed to purchase a better guide scope in the future.

i am not able to make large multiple purchases at once. I try and work on the basis that I can spend more money in one area that allows some elelment of future proofing and less in another area that still enables me to achieve the end goal - in this case guiding

Thoughts please

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dear uplooker;),choosing a guide scope is dependant on a few things.with only a 60mm lense you maynot see many/any stars with which to guide with.i use a skywatcher 80mm f5 400mm fl.for guiding i have 2 modded filips webcams to choose from.when the seeing is good it givs a comparible picture to my atik ic 16 colour main imager but with average it gives less.also with the webcam the best view is with wxasrocapture whereas phd is generally poor so its swings and rounderbouts. a guide scope with a bigger lense/mirror at say f5 will give more of a chance to see a good enough star to guide with.ime looking to get a better imaging camera so would use the atik for guiding or if imaging with my dslr camera which it would do well.if you use a unmodded ccd webcam like a filips spc900nc or a pcvc840k you could maybe guide with that with a big enough guide scope looking at m12 or a bright star.i find/found it quite hard to do guiding especially with my eq3-2 whereas my new heq5 has no problems.ive spent many hours on this with the eq3-2 but found quick success with the heq5 with pictures of 6 times 5 minits exposures using the aforementions kit maybe not because the mount cost 3 times more but it likes the guiding programmes.hope this gives food for thought on these dull days.ps please could anyone reading these comments point out any mistakes and give thier views on this advice.many thanks from old astro geezer,brandon,suffolk

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