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Where can I find pictures taken by an Orion SkyQuest XT6?


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Pictures taken through a telescope and what you can see through a telescope eyepiece are entirely different things. Astrophotographs are a cumulation of several hours worth of data being collected on the camera's sensor which is then processed to achieve the final image. Most of the photographs shown on this website (excluding those of the Moon and planets) show far more than is possible to see with the human eye.

The Orion XT6 is a dobsonian mounted reflector, the dobsonian mount is unsuitable for any deep sky imaging and is also limiting for planetary and lunar photography. If you are simply using the telescope for visual observing then the telescope is fine, there are a number of SGL members who own the Skywatcher Skyliner 150 which is the same ota. If you are intending to use the telescope primarily for photography then you should look for a telescope on a motorised equatorial mount.


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