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I have a tick!


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No, not one of them blood sucky things that eat your dog in the forest!

I've found M15, my first Globular Cluster and I went all tingly when I found it, and thought I'd let everyone know :) Big grins for me

When I first lugged my scope down the stairs and set up in the carpark I was rather pi@@ed at myself for leaving my RDF on last time I used it so battery was dead so didn't think I'd find anything other than Jupiter!

Think I was a little lucky in pointing in the right direction, in the corner of the view, after a little wander about that bit of the sky, was a definite fuzz, the clouds then wisped by so it kept disappearing but then cleared for me to stare at it for about 25 minutes, checked Stellium and TLAO when I got in and 100% sure it was M15, soooo chuffed that's 4 Messier's now!

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