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Celestron Firstscope or Meade ETX-80BB?

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Hi! As my interest on astronomy grows, I want to buy myself a begginer telescope.

I was looking for something really small in size and cheap, about US$300. Something that could be easily to ship to Brazil.

Searching around the internet, I found the Meade ETX-80, wich is good because of the small size (very good for shipping), GoTo system, and does not have to be coallimated.

By the other hand, I liked the Celestron FirstScope 76mm. For this one I liked the price, about US$35 at amazon and the small size and light weight (2 kg (70oz) vs 8,16 kg(18lbs).

I know a lot about ETX 80 but NOTHING about the FirstScope... so I want to know if what I would see on the FirstScope is the same (or almost the same) as ETX-80. Would I be abble to see DSOs and good view of planets? I don't have that much interest on the moon though.

Another thing... does the FirstScope 76mm has to be coallimated? if Yes, what has to be coallimated? the first mirror? second? both?

Last thing... what is made the tube of the FirstScope? On pictures it looks like cardboard for me, and that wouldn't be nice... If it is plastic, it is ok to me =)

Thank you all!!!:)

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I think in the price range you might be disappointed and want to change quite quickly.

I have had an ETX-80 and the GOTO I found lacking.

a pair of Celestron Skymaster 15x70 Binoculars on a sturdy Tripod would be in my view a better place to start.

Good Luck

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Thank you all!!!

I'm now exited about this SkyWatcher Heritage 130P, or the Bushnell 130mm (I think it's the same telescope, with a different draw)...

I'm just afraid that the mirror will brake when shipping to here hehehe

but anyways, I'm looking foward to it!!!

Again, thank you all for helping me!!!

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