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Mono Camera Workflow

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If after taking sets of Mono images in RGB or Narrow band or even a mix, once each channel has been stacked would you advise doing a bit (or a lot) of processing for example - levels and curves - before aligning and colour stacking.

Or do you recommend finishing the combination of the various mono elements and then working on the final combined image.

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I don't stretch the R,G or B but leave them linear so as not to throw up differences in the stretch of each. I combine them in AstroArt after co-registering them. I don't trust auto align because it can be a tad off and spoil colour symmetry in stars. I then stretch the RGB as a whole, getting it close to the noise limit and avoiding saturation in he bright parts. I use no sharpening, ever, and might do some blur or despeckle etc to reduce noise or grain.

The Luminance I keep separate and stretch and process intensively so it is as good as I can get it. I co-register it to the RGB in Registar because that is totally easy and accurate and allows me to crop-pad the lum to the rgb so there is no further aligning to do in Ps.

Combining L to RGB can be done in at least two ways. You can paste the L on as a layer and go to blend mode luminosity, aiming for 100% opacity. If the L overpowers the RGB you can stretch the RGB in situe in Layers and-or push the saturation.

Another neat way to apply L is in LAB colour mode. Split channels in the RGB image in LAB and just merge them again immediately but substituting your L for the lightness channel derived from the LAB mode.

More than one way to skin a cat...


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Once you've worked out how to combine the RGB, it's not tricky at all.

What I've ended up doing is stacking and combining the RGB in Maxim and stacking the luminence in DSS. I know you can stack and align RGB in DSS but I can't remember how to do it!

Process the luminence and RGB as two seperate images, then copy & paste them together as per Martin's primer, job done :). Don't forget to resize the RGB if you've binned it though!


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The method I have employed, which seems to work, is to stack each channel in DSS then align the resultant mono channels in Registar followed by RGB combine and if I have Luminace align and combine that with the RGB in registar, then play with that in PS.

Sort of works, well thats how I did my first LRGB image of M33 I posted a couple of weeks ago.

Whilst pondering the alternates, the question I asked in this thread popped up so hence the post.

However the merge of RGB and L is interesting and I will try other methods as you guys have suggested.

Thanks Pete

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