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Registax 4 - anybody played with this yet?

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I've been playing with the new version of Registax which has recently been released. This boasts multiple alignment points which could help tremendously with wobbly AVIs caused by bad seeing. I say could because I haven't found out if it distorts the images to fit one another or if it just takes an average displacement and moves the unaltered frame so that the alignment points are all nearly lined up.

Doing lunar image stacking it certainly appears to work much better than the older version. On many occasions I had a well defined bit in the image where the alignment point had been with the image quality getting worse as the distance from the alignment increased. This doesn't happen now so long as you spread out the alignment points.

One thing that I have noticed is that after a multi-point alignment there appear to be irregular polygons around each alignment point that are processed differently to each other. The effect is like that of a poorly done montage with each alignment point getting its own panel.

Single point alignment is very much as previously with added bonuses like single pass optimisation to do a quick and dirty job (I assume to show you what might be there in a short time so that you can save wasting a lot of time on some rubbish).

I stacked some moon shots taken through the Skelescope that I'd played with before, some of you might remember the recent coloured moon, using the multipoint alignment and the result is much better than I've had with the old Registax. The stacked image is here:-


Its a big file so broadband is recommended.

Captain Chaos

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I have played briefly CC, and seems more stable than 3. I still occasional errors when creating a reference frame for example, but the multi-point is very cool.

Shame they did include field rotation as Deep Sky does - I think they missed a trick there!

On the whole, looks good though :D

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