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Burst Bubble


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I was really excited last night. I assembled the kit with the intention of going after the bubble nebula, after it was pointed out to me on my widefield shot posted the other day. The intention was a narrow field shot with the C8. Everything went together quickly, guiding cal OK, comms OK, alignment OK. I tried a 4m sub, which looked fine, so I decided to push it. I got to 7m without any significant LPF or trailing, something I'd never done before. I think I could have gone longer, but decided to stick at 7m.

Set the Canon control for 10x7m. Came back later and found the Canon comms had gone down for some reason and only 1 sub in the bag! Reset it, but only got another 3 subs before the clouds arrived. The joys of astrophotography. Not a complete washout since I set the camera to take some 7m darks while I put the kit away. Anyway, here is the result. C8 SCT + 0.63 FR + 1000d + LPF 4x7m. I'm afraid the bubble burst and went away!


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